August 2022 — Vol. 2, No. 8 View in your browser → |
Welcome to the August 2022 IFLA Newsletter! I'm very happy to have the opportunity to provide this editorial, my first as IFLA President-elect 2022-23. I mentioned at the opening session of our fantastic World Library and Information Congress, I'm really looking forward to working with all of you to help IFLA continue to make the difference for libraries and librarians around the world. As a past Professional Council chair, I know how essential our volunteers are to IFLA's success. I will be doing all I can to ensure that our Federation goes on providing the structure and support necessary for them to make their ideas a reality. Our Congress is always a great showcase for the work of our many units and committees, and this was evident from the sessions which were livestreamed from Dublin. I, like many others, appreciated the work of the IFLA team to make the Congress accessible to all. |
Vicki McDonald IFLA President-elect 2022-2023 |
Five years of the Library Map of the World |
This week, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the IFLA Library Map of the World (LMW)! If you haven't done so already, take a deep dive into library data for 135 countries and territories, 28 full country profiles, and 56 stories. The LMW website went live on 21 August 2017 with library data from 75 countries and a small number of stories illustrating how libraries contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We would like to thank our 190 established contributors in 170 countries and territories – every national library association, national library, and other organisations. Your work, dedication and ongoing commitment is making the LMW heart beat strong! |
IFLA WLIC 2022 reflections |
Take a trip back to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2022 through this wrap-up video where you can revisit some of the spaces, check out the highlights and relive the inspiring and engaging moments the Congress gave us. |
See our WLIC 2022 YouTube playlist for all the key live-streamed sessions and more! WLIC 2022 in numbers: 1,900 participants 495 remote participants 96 Countries represented Over 120 volunteers Over 150 sessions
Read the daily highlights: |
Mary Robinson and the challenge of the Climate Crisis During the WLIC 2022 Opening Ceremony, Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland, Chair of The Elders and Adjunct Professor of Climate Justice, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, delivered a stirring keynote address on the Challenge of the Climate Crisis. Read the full transcript of her address or watch the video. |
2022 IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award winners honoured A dynamic Professional Unit has the greatest impact on IFLA's global work – engaging members, developing strong leadership and identity, delivering high-quality services with a measurable impact, and communicating activities within IFLA and beyond. The Professional Committee launched the Dynamic Unit and Impact Award (DUIA) in 2018 to recognise the Professional Units who have excelled in putting Dynamic Unit expectations into practice. Read about our 2022 winners who were honoured at the 2022 World Library and Information Conference in Dublin, Ireland. |
Updated IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 2022 launched The IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto proclaims UNESCO's belief in the public library as a living force for education, culture and information, and as an essential agent for the fostering of peace and welfare through the minds of all people. The newly launched 2022 update re-examines the role of the public library – expanding on previous versions to more thoroughly reflect the ways libraries serve their communities today. |
IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes Released The IFLA Professional Council endorsed the IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes on 1 April 2022. Released just prior to WLIC 2022, the new Guidelines serve as a framework for developing LIS education programmes. The Guidelines were authored by the LIS Education Framework Development Sub-Group of the BSLISE, under the leadership of Professors Clara M. Chu and Jaya Raju. |
Canada Congratulates! "The Canadian Caucus wishes to highlight the excellence of the IFLA WLIC 2022 recently held in Dublin, Ireland. The outstanding volunteers, the beautiful conference center, the social activities and the vibrant Congress programming all contributed to revitalizing the IFLA community. We extend our sincere congratulations to the Organizing Committee for their hard-work and persistence in delivering an outstanding event despite the challenges of the last few years." We couldn't agree more! ☘️ |
Follow the IFLA 2022 General Assembly live! Colleagues and friends from all over the world, take your chance to join us online for the IFLA 2022 General Assembly! The General Assembly is the highlight of the IFLA membership year, at which key decisions are taken about the life of our Federation. This year, the Assembly will be streamed live from 13:30 – 15:30 CEST on Thursday 25 August 2022. |
Making library voices heard at the highest level: successful IFLA participation at UN HLPFA strong delegation of libraries engaged actively at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. In addition to building links with senior decision-makers, they gained valuable insights to share with colleagues, contributing to building a more sustainable library field. |
Félicitations! Strasbourg awarded title of World Book Capital 2024From 23 April 2024, Strasbourg will hold the title of World Book Capital City, as announced by UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay. IFLA congratulates all those involved in the successful bid and looks forward to a great mandate that provides inspiration and models for cities and libraries globally. |
At the heart of sustainable development: IFLA releases analysis of 2022 Voluntary National Reviews IFLA has prepared an analysis of the set of Voluntary National Reviews of implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being presented at this year's UN High-Level Political Forum. It has been another year of above-average numbers of references to libraries, linked to a wider range of SDGs than ever before. |
Help shape the future of internet governance: share your views on an IFLA submission on the Global Digital Compact The United Nations is calling for inputs to its Global Digital Compact, a major new initiative which will shape its work on internet governance in the years to come. In order to prepare a response from the global library field, IFLA has launched a survey in order to bring together the insights, ideas and priorities. Deadline: 7 September 2022. |
Assessing the value of cultural heritage and special collections: contribute your ideas! IFLA's Rare Books and Special Collections Section is investigating what standards, norms, practices, laws, Return on Investment (ROI) studies, and research exist around the world to measure the different values of Special Collections, and identify the gaps where such information does not exist. This will provide the basis for a report that can be a guide to cultural heritage institutions to formulate the questions to ask if they want to measure the value of their Special Collections as a tool for advocacy. Your input is needed! Deadline: 30 October 2022. |
Now available: Guidelines for Parliamentary Libraries, 3rd editionThe Guidelines for Parliamentary Libraries, 3rd Edition, is a joint publication between the IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section (PARL) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). A working group comprised by members of the Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments, led by Sonia Bebbington from the Library of Parliament, Canada, and Edward Wood from the House of Commons Library, United Kingdom, compiled the guidelines based on their experience and in consultation with other members of the Section. |
IFLA's School Libraries Section is seeking members!IFLA's School Libraries Section is seeking co-opted members from regions underrepresented in their Section including Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and Middle East, and Central Asia-Oceania. If you are interested in joining, prospective members should submit an expression of interest via the self-nomination form. As a co-opted member, your term would be until the next formal election cycle in 2023, at which point you can nominate to be elected as a full member of the Section. Deadline: 26 August 2022 |
Knowledge Rights 21: Call for bids for national activity grants open!The Knowledge Rights 21 Programme, of which IFLA is a partner organisation, has launched a call for bids for funding to carry out work to promote copyright reform in Europe. Deadline: 30 September 2022 |
REGIONAL NEWSLibrary advocacy tales: securing long-term funding for community libraries in ArgentinaIn the first of an occasional series focused on successful advocacy initiatives by libraries around the world, we look to Argentina, where a recent decision saw a commitment to funding community libraries for 50 years. To find out more about what was achieved, and how, we interviewed the Chair of IFLA's Regional Division Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, Alejandro Santa. |
Africa Internet Governance Forum: highlights from IFLA's Sub-Saharan Regional Division representativesLibraries were well-represented at the Africa Internet Governance Forum by IFLA's Sub-Saharan Africa Region Committee members and stakeholders, who in partnership with the Malawi Library Association participated at the event held between 19 and 22 July 2022, in Lilongwe, Malawi. |
Get the most from your IFLA membership!Enhance your connection with the global library community, engage in networks, and increase your access to international thinking and practices. Receive discounts Get free Section membership Nominate and elect leaders Participate in decision-making Nominate for awards
We have three types of members – associations, institutions, and individuals. What type of membership are you interested in? |
SOCIAL SPOTLIGHTMeet the 2022 IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award winner and special mentions! |
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