Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just Published "India Science and Technology 2010-11" Report by NISTADS, New Delhi, India

Just Published

India Science and Technology 2010-11

NISTADS, New Delhi, India

In today's global economy, the ability of a country to develop, adapt and harness its innovative potential is becoming critical for its long term economic performance. This fact acknowledged by the endogenous growth literature has generated proactive policy initiatives as reflected in the focus on innovation as a top government policy agenda in most developing and emerging economies of the world. India is no exception to this trend. Recently, the President of India has declared the present decade as the decade of innovation and the Prime Minister has called upon the country's scientists to unleash the best innovative potential in the innovation decade. Even though India is yet to formally adopt a national innovation policy, the different ministries and departments associated with various sectors have articulated and budgeted for three main innovation policy challenges: enhancing innovation potential in new technologies, building technological capabilities and competitiveness in the manufacturing and service sector and reconfiguring the formal and informal sectors. In this context, India's S&T Report 2010-11, the sequel to India S&T 2008 has been designed with innovation as its core concept. Thus the central focus of this year report is to identify the nature and extent of innovative activities in the country, to identify the lacunae in the innovation support mechanism and to suggest S&T interventions in the policy matrix so that India could be in the forefront on innovation activities.
India S&T Report 2010-11 is organised under following five themes: (i) S&T and Human Resources, (ii) S&T and Innovation Support System, (iii) S&T and Industry, (iv) S&T Outputs and Patents, and (v) S&T and Rural Development Strategies. While the content and approach of these five themes differ from each other, innovation occupies the central stage in each of these themes.
The theme S&T Human Resource presents different facets of S&T education in India. The coverage includes primary level of education, secondary level education as well as tertiary level of education. Moreover, this theme has also looked at the development in the sphere of professional educational namely technical as well as medical levels. Last but not least, this theme also gives detailed status of vocational education taking into account the skill development mission.
The theme S&T and Innovation Support System analyses the existing organisational arrangement for promotion of technological innovation in India. It encompasses not only organisations that are created specifically to promote innovation but also those that address issues that are considered as important components of innovations. The organisations are identified at different administrative levels extending from national, state, and district to field/village level. In the present edition of the Report, the focus is on the secondary sector of the economy.
The theme S&T and Industry analyses the various facets of innovation activities in the realm of manufacturing and service sector of modern India. Policy space, enabling environment for innovation, support mechanism, and performance of selected sectors in the realms of innovation – all occupies a place in this theme. The focus has also been on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of India in this theme to identify the tardiness in growth in this sector. In any economy, MSMEs play a significant role in respect of employment generation. In view of jobless growth of recent years, invigorating India's MSME sector through innovation is need of the hour. Further, we have attempted to address emerging green issues in this theme in view of India's commitment to green economy agenda.
The theme S&T Output and Patents assess to what extent a country is generating new knowledge and whether any 'tangible' component can be derived from it that can be appropriated by firms and/or other institutions in the country. Research papers (primarily in peer reviewed journals) and patents are the most commonly used 'proxy' to assess the intensity of knowledge creation and utilisation. So in this theme, the performance indicators – scientific publication and patents in particular – are analysed to understand India's performance in recent years.
The theme S&T and Rural Development:  Strategies and Capacities presents an overview of S&T strategies for rural development in India. The focus is on understanding the S&T capacities that exist, and how the knowledge and technologies are accessed and used for rural development.   Given the development agenda of Indian economy, this theme is centred around three sub-themes namely (a) Rural development: S&T strategy for poverty alleviation, (b) S&T strategies for agri/farm based livelihoods and (c) S&T strategies for non-farm/rural industrial development.
The report is targeted at a wide readership ranging from policy makers and advisors to academic readers as well as the common person. The contents of the report are:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Call for Presentations for the UN-CECAR Renewable Energy International Conference

Renewable Energy International Conference

Call for Presentations for the UN-CECAR Renewable Energy International Conference

The current and likely future impacts of climate change due to carbon emissions from burning enormous amounts of fossil fuels are considered among the most important challenges faced by human beings. The nuclear crisis caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011 had a significant effect on energy policies of Japan and the world, highlighting the importance of renewables as clean energy sources. Now is the time to diversify the energy portfolio with renewables such as geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy and hydropower. Renewable energy has almost unlimited potential and will provide energy security when fossil fuel is depleted.

Asia Pacific region is abundant in natural resources and has a great potential to utilize renewable energy from a variety of sources. South East Asia is rapidly adopting and developing renewable energy for power generation. There is also an increasing demand for new technical skills as businesses and industries are taking more interest in renewable energy making renewable energy academic programmes highly sought after.

University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR) is a network of universities and organizations in the Asia-Pacific established in 2009, to develop research and education programmes on climate change adaptation, ecosystems change adaptation, and sustainability science. The network aims to bring together the best resources and expertise in joint research for the design of appropriate policy and development strategies, and development of postgraduate education courses and training across disciplinary lines.

This conference will share the knowledge, experience and technologies of renewable energy in the Asia Pacific region to develop a new UN-CECAR curriculum on renewable energy. This pioneering programme will help prepare students in the Asia Pacific Region to take the lead in providing renewable energy solutions to development needs with sound environmental management practices.

  1. Discover the energy sources and policies in Asia Pacific today
  2. Discover successful large-scale and small-scale renewable energy case studies in Asia
  3. Discover the leading universities in Asia researching on renewable energy
  4. Discover how renewable energy is being implemented into university curriculums in Asia

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Submission Deadline
4th May 2012 (Friday)

Submission Evaluation Process
Sales presentations will not be accepted and presentations must be educational. We will contact you ONLY if your presentation has been selected.

Speaker Expenses
Speakers will be exempted from UN-CECAR conference fees. Conference package and meals will be provided. However, travel and hotel expenses will need to be covered by each speaker.

Submission Requirements:
We are accepting presentations for solar energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy and bioenergy. Topics under the above categories include introduction of renewables in the region, large scale and small scale solutions, renewable energy policy, strategy and finance, and case studies of successful renewable energy solutions from the Asia Pacific region.

Please submit the following to UN-CECAR Secretariat Ms. Soo Huey Teh at teh [at]

  1. Title of Presentation
  2. Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, Fax number, and e-mail address
  3. Description in one sentence or 40 words
  4. Abstract in 250 words
  5. Please list 3 learning objectives

Friday, April 20, 2012

CfPs 18th International Euro-Asia Research Conference "Globalisation of Asian Markets: Implications for Multinational Investors"; Venezia, Italy ; Jan 2013

The 18th International Euro-Asia Research Conference
Venezia, Italy
January 31 to February 1st, 2013

Call for Papers
"The Globalisation of Asian Markets: Implications for Multinational Investors"

Following a number of conferences held in France, Ireland, Norway, Japan, China, Spain, Indonesia and India since 1994, the Eighteenth International Euro-Asia Research Conference will take place in Venezia (Italy) on January the 31st and February the 1st, 2013. Research contributions addressing any aspect of The Globalisation of Asian Markets: implications for Multinational Investors are welcome. This topic may cover among others the following sub-topics:
- Asia's Growing Consumer Markets: the rise of Asia's Middle Class;
- Cultural differences in marketing and other management issues;
- Relocation abroad and relocation back home: European and Asian experiences;
- Developed versus developing countries MNCs in Asia: comparison of international strategies
- SMEs internationalisation strategies - European and Asian perspectives
- Impact of the global economic crisis on international business - European and Asian perspectives

Besides this theme, other papers in the fields of economics and management with a particular reference to Asia may also be submitted.

The research conference is a joint undertaking between the School of Asian Studies and Business Management Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy, Yokohama National University, Japan, IAE of The University of Poitiers France, The University of Pau (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), France, TELECOM Ecole de Management, France, The School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield, The U.K., and The University of Limerick, Ireland.

The Conference is intended to bring together researchers engaged in Management, Economics and related fields from Europe, Asia and other parts of the World. Doctoral students are also strongly encouraged to submit papers for consideration.

Conference Venue, Conference Fee, Accommodation and travel
The conference will be at S. Giobbe, 873, Venice. The conference fee is 250 € and includes welcome dinner, two lunches, two dinners, coffee breaks, a copy of the conference proceedings, as well as local sight visits.
Available funding does not allow the organizing committee to provide financial support to participants in relation to accommodation and travel expenses. However, special prices will be negotiated with hotels or academic accommodation facilities located in Venezia, close to the conference venue.

Submission Rules

Papers, in English should be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. They may either be related to a particular country or be of a comparative nature. Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published as Conference Proceedings. Furthermore, a number of selected papers will be published in a scholarly journal or as a book.
A two-page abstract in English or French (including bibliography) should be submitted by June the 4th, 2012 to the following e-mail address: A title page with a complete list of
authors, their academic position, addresses, phone and fax numbers as well as E-mail should be included separately. The decision of the Scientific Committee will be communicated to the authors by June 15th, 2012. The final paper, including an abstract of around 300 words, should be forwarded by October the 15th, 2012. Length should not exceed 6,000 words or 15 single-spaced pages (including tables, figures, and references). Papers should be submitted in hard copy (or by e-mail as an attachment) as well as on disc (Word 6 or a later version).

Secretariat of the Euro-Asia Research Conference
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Phone: + (33) 5 59 40 80 01 Fax: + (33) 5 59 40 80 10. E-mail:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

International Training Course "Contemporary Management Strategies in IPR Relevant to NAM and Other Developing Countries", Manesar, Gurgaon, India, 16-20 July 2012

International Advanced Training Course "Contemporary Management Strategies in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Relevant to NAM and Other Developing Countries"

Manesar, Gurgaon, India

16-20 July 2012

Greetings from the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)!!

With the success of an earlier 6-days 'International Advanced Training Course on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for NAM and Other Developing Countries' organised by the NAM S&T Centre in India two years ago with participation of 28 countries, and due to the huge interest and demand thereafter for a similar scientific event, the NAM S&T Centre is now organising a programme, 2nd in the series, titled International Advanced Training Course on 'Contemporary Management Strategies in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) relevant to NAM and Other Developing Countries' at Manesar, Gurgaon, India during 16-20 July 2012 with the financial support from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. Manesar is located about 40 Km South of New Delhi in another State of India, Haryana.

The training course will cover, among others, the principles of IPR, international treaties, protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, IP valuation and licensing, developing institutional IPR policies, technology tracking through IP mapping, emerging dimensions in IPR such as compulsory licensing and counterfeiting, and creation and management of IPR portfolios. The Course is suitable for participation of middle and senior level officers handling S&T management in the developing countries.

Request for participation in this International Advanced Training Course may please be sent to the NAM S&T Centre (E-mail:, by completing the Nomination Form, a copy of which is included in the attached Announcement (also available on the Centre's website

The following may please be noted:
(a) The last date for submission of the application in the prescribed Nomination Forms is Friday, 15th June 2012.
(b) The Nomination Form should be filled in completely without leaving any column blank. The required enclosures should be sent along with the Nomination Form.
(c) Only limited seats are available for participation in this event. Since a large number of applications are expected, early response is advisable to avoid disappointment. No application shall be considered after the closure of the last date.
(d) The selection will be strictly on merit of the presentation material submitted by the applicants, their academic background and professional experience and interest of their parent organisations in the subject area.
(e) It is mandatory for all participants to make a scientific presentation during the Training Course. Accordingly, an extended abstract (in MSWord) of the paper proposed to be presented during the event must be attached with the Nomination Form.
(f) All foreign participants will be provided transportation between Indira Gandhi International Airport of New Delhi and venue of the Training Course in Manesar. They will also be provided free local hospitality, including accommodation, meals and local transport, during 15th (noon) to 21st July 2012 (noon) (i.e. commencing from one day before and for an additional day after the conclusion of the programme). The participants will have to make own arrangement to stay beyond these dates and should therefore arrange their flight schedules accordingly.
(g) For applications received from those member countries of the NAM S&T Centre, which are regularly paying their annual subscription: The NAM S&T Centre will provide to and fro international airfare to/from New Delhi, India by Excursion Class by Shortest Route to only one official nominee of each country, provided the application is routed through the Focal Point of the NAM S&T Centre in the applicant's country. In this connection, the Focal Points may please note that the NAM S&T Centre will accept only one official nomination for full financial support by the Centre. All additional nominations received from the Focal Points would be considered, but such applicants would have to arrange for their own international fare and would also be required to make payment of a Processing Fee of US$800 to the Centre in advance.
(h) For applications received from the member countries of the NAM S&T Centre defaulting on the payment of their annual dues: All the applicants as well as the nominees of the Focal Points from those of the member countries that are overdue on the payment of their annual subscription will make their own arrangement for international travel and will also be required to make payment of a Processing Fee of US$800 to the Centre in advance.
(i) For nominations received from the S&T-Industry Network Members of the NAM S&T Centre: The NAM S&T – Industry Network entitles each Network member,which has no outstanding dues against its membership subscription, to get invitation to participate with full finances paid by the Centre for participation in appropriate activities organised by the Centre. Accordingly, if a Network member has not yet fully availed of this privilege and desires to make a nomination for attending this Training Course, the NAM S&T Centre will provide to and fro international airfare to New Delhi, India by Excursion Class by Shortest Route to the official nominee of the Network member. Any additional nominee(s), as well as the nominees of those S&T-Industry Network Members, which are overdue on the payment of their annual network membership subscription, will make their own arrangement for international travel and will also be required to make payment of a Processing Fee of US$800 to the Centre in advance.
(j) For all other applicants (except from India): Completed Nomination Form along with a Processing Fee of US$800 may please be sent directly to the NAM S&T Centre. Such applicants will make their own arrangement for international travel.
(k) For all applicants from India: Completed Nomination Form may please be sent directly to the NAM S&T Centre. Such applicants will make their own arrangement for travel and stay. The selected Indian participants, except those nominated by DST, will be required to pay a Processing Fee of Rs. 25,000 to the NAM S&T Centre.
(l) Other details are available in the attached Announcement.
(m) Information on the member countries and S&T-Industry Network members of the NAM S&T Centre and names/addresses of the Focal Points may be seen on the Centre's website
(n) As far as possible, all correspondence may please be made by email. All documents may be prepared in MSWord Format or electronically scanned and sent as attachments to the email.
(o) English will be the official language of the International Training Course.

This is a general circular and you are requested to kindly forward this announcement to the concerned Ministries/Departments, S&T organisations, universities and academic institutions, related agencies and individual experts in your country. We solicit your kind cooperation.

Arun P. Kulshreshtha, PhD
Director and Executive Head
Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)
Core 6A, 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road
NEW DELHI - 110 003 (INDIA)
Phone: (+91)(11) 24645134/24644974 (O)
Mobile: (+91) 9810442742
Fax: (+91)(11) 24644973

CfP: OECD ILO Workshop on Skills and Competitiveness, April 27, 2012, New Delhi

Workshop on "Skills Strategies for Inclusive Development & Competitiveness"

April 27, 2012, Hilton Hotel, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India

In association with the OECD LEED ESSA initiative, Institute for Competitiveness, India and CII ESSA - Employment and Skills Strategies in Asia

The Asia and Pacific region has been hailed as the quickest to emerge from the financial and economic crisis, with the recovery marking a clear V-shape while in other parts of the world the final shape still remains uncertain. This strong recovery is largely due to India and China rapid return to high growth rates. However, rapid growth does not equal social development for all and strategic development measures need to look at the invisible infrastructure that skills and training provide for the formal workforce and how to reach those in the less formal economy.
The Institute for Competitiveness India, the Confederation of Indian Industry, NSDC (National Skills Development Corporation) and the OECD ESSSA Initiative are joining forces to discuss skills strategies for job-rich and inclusive growth in India.
This workshop calls for coordinated responses of Ministries of Labour, Ministries of Education and Ministries of Economy to address skills strategies models, policies and programs. The workshop will be organized as part of the Institute for Competitiveness conference on Skills Strategies for Inclusive Development in India. Participants will be able to learn from best practice experiences in the design and implementation of integrated skills strategy and inclusive local development.

Themes to be discussed refer to
Theme 1: Fostering the Dynamics of Skills, Employment and Infrastructure Development
Trade and financial recovery from the crisis might be easier than employment recovery, particularly at the local level where some places might stagnate and decline for a long time. Job creation does not respond to the same strategies everywhere and while the focus on infrastructure development might have priority in many areas, building skills programs in parallel can be an effective pathway for sustained growth. The role of policy and policy coordination is therefore crucial to facilitate and accelerate sustainable pathways for local development. How can Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship be combined and fostered within infrastructure development plans? Is there enough autonomy and capacity in the education and training sector to adjust skills development programs to support infrastructure development? What examples of initiatives exist in India, Asian and OECD countries?

Theme 2: Innovation in Skills Development and Management that reach SMEs
India and the Asian region is rich in entrepreneurs and small firm formation. Innovative approaches to skills and talent development can foster a high-growth business environment with higher potential for job creation particularly in SMEs. What experiences exist for fostering skills in SMEs? What experiences for fostering entrepreneurship? How can skills policies best contribute to firm survival and sustainable employment creation? Determine the areas of business growth? What examples exist in India and other Asian countries to build skills in the less formal SMEs?

Theme 3: Strategies for Local Job Creation, Skills Development and Social Protection
There is an emerging consensus that shifting from export-led recovery and growth towards greater reliance on domestic and regional sources of demand will be critical to sustain economic prosperity in Asia as well as globally. A new pattern of economic growth is emerging in Asia, characterized by vigorous policies to support domestic consumption and investment, active employment and labour market policies to facilitate industrial and labour market adjustments, and stronger social protection measures to accelerate inclusive growth and poverty reduction. In this new paradigm the strategies and policies of local governments are more at the center stage. What are the elements to promote an inclusive, job-rich growth in Asia? What are the capacities that countries need to build to implement them with success? What examples are available in India?

Theme 4: Towards an Inclusive Model of Skills Development in Asia: the High-road for India
The design of skills and employment strategies and programmes should respond to local conditions and challenges, and should involve a wide range of stakeholders from both the public and private sectors to optimize the relevance and impact of such strategies. In the same way that industrial development is different in the North and the South, skills development models can differ. Is there an emerging model of skills de- velopment in Asia? What role for different stakeholders? How can we forge better partnerships for skills for employment and entrepreneurship with such stakeholders? What are the obstacles to a joined-up approach? What operational pathways can be proposed for India and other Asian countries?

-Mid to Senior level government officials from education, employment and economy ministries, government employment agencies, and local government bodies, from India and neighboring countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, PR China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
-Government officials from interested OECD countries such as Australia and New Zealand.
-Skills development experts from ILO, ADB, UN, EC, Confederation of Indian Industry and other organizations. -Academics and experts on local economic development, private sector development, governance, social inclusion.

Further details about the conference are available on the ESSSA interactive web space.

The last date for registration is April 23, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Emerald's Journal of the Week feature provides free weekly access to two of Emerald's high quality journals.

Journal of the Week

The world's leading publisher of management research

Image: new journal launches

Emerald's Journal of the Week feature provides free weekly access to two of Emerald's high quality journals.

Check the list below to see which journals we will be featuring over the coming months. You will be able to access, free of charge, all content from the featured journals.

Simply click on one of the two active journals and you will be taken to the table of contents page where the free issues will be highlighted. Check back regularly for updates.

Current Journals of the Week

Forthcoming Journals of the Week

09/04/12 Journal of Educational Administration International Journal of Educational Management
16/04/12 International Journal of Public Sector Management The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services
23/04/12 Multicultural Education & Technology Journal Journal of International Education in Business
30/04/12 Construction Innovation International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
07/05/12 China Finance Review International Grey Systems
14/05/12 Baltic Journal of Management Journal of Health Organization and Management
21/05/12 International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Tizard Learning Disability Review
28/05/12 Cross Cultural Management Journal of Adult Protection
04/06/12 Corporate Governance International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
11/06/12 Circuit World Soldering & Surface Mount Technology
18/06/12 Asian Education and Development Studies info
25/06/12 Pacific Accounting Review Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
02/07/12 Multinational Business Review Journal of Asia Business Studies
09/07/12 Rapid Prototyping Journal Pigment & Resin Technology
16/07/12 Structural Survey Journal of Facilities Management
23/07/12 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Managerial Auditing Journal
30/07/12 British Food Journal International Journal of Wine Business Research
06/08/12 Aslib Proceedings Nutrition & Food Science
13/08/12 Chinese Management Studies International Journal of Emergency Services
20/08/12 International Journal of Event and Festival Management Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
27/08/12 Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies Meditari Accountancy Research
03/09/12 International Journal for Researcher Development International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
10/09/12 Journal of Money Laundering Control Journal of Financial Crime
17/09/12 Quality Assurance in Education Education + Training
24/09/12 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Tourism Review
01/10/12 Asian Review of Accounting Asian Journal on Quality
08/10/12 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management International Journal of Managerial Finance
15/10/12 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education History of Education Review
22/10/12 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
29/10/12 Competitiveness Review Journal of Assistive Technologies
05/11/12 EuroMed Journal of Business Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
12/11/12 Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning Journal of Organizational Ethnography
19/11/12 Quality in Ageing and Older Adults Journal of Children's Services
26/11/12 Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal Management Research
03/12/12 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment British Journal of Forensic Practice
10/12/12 International Journal of Emerging Markets critical perspectives on international business
17/12/12 Social Care and Neurodisability Safer Communities

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Article "The Nature of Green Justice" by Kanchi Kohli & Manju Menon; Economic & Political Weekly, 14 April 2012

The Nature of Green Justice
by Kanchi Kohli, Manju Menon
Economic & Political Weekly, 14 April 2012,  xlvii (15): 19-22

The National Green Tribunal has taken over from the National Environment Appellate Authority though the changeover has not been smooth. The tribunal has significant powers and its rulings will affect the lives and livelihoods of communities as well as the future of ecologically fragile ecosystems. A look at the factors and issues it will have to consider while rendering environmental justice.

Download Full-text PDF

Monday, April 2, 2012

Article "India's S&T cooperation with the developing countries" by Pranav N. Desai

India's S&T cooperation with the developing countries
by Pranav N. Desai, (Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)

Pranav N. Desai, "India's S&T cooperation with the developing countries", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, pp.28 - 37

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse India's international science and technology (S&T) cooperation efforts, with a special focus on the developing countries. It intends to identify the actors, magnitude, nature, routes and areas of international cooperation. Further, it probes whether the "globalisation process" is likely to change the collaboration pattern or transform India's innovation system and processes.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper is structured around five sections that include analysis of different stages of globalization in the context of an historical analysis of India's international S&T cooperation policy. An essential feature of this study is that the analysis is not restricted to R&D collaboration in the corporate sector but includes bilateral and multilateral cooperation between different countries and also inward and outward FDI flows that is expected to enhance learning process. Finally, the countervailing tendencies emanating from the structure of international S&T order and the nature of emerging technologies along with the unfolding of globalization are discussed.
Findings – It is observed that the unfolding of globalization has tended to change the nature, magnitude and routes of international cooperation in significant ways and new actors have emerged in terms of some developing countries. The nature of bilateral cooperation has undergone a transformation and has been extended to R&D-based innovative activities and industrial application instead of remaining confined to scientific research.
Originality/value – The paper provides theoretical contribution from the perspective of linkages between national and international systems of innovation.


India Perspectives Tagore Issue June 2010

India Perspectives
Tagore Issue June 2010

Download English edition
Download Bengali edition

Table of Contents
  • Winged Surprises: Lyrics and Melodies of Tagore
  • The Poet's School
  • Tagore, Gitanjali and the Nobel Prize
  • Rabindranath Tagore as a Painter
  • In Search of a New Language for Theatre
  • The Scientist in Tagore
  • Tagore: The Seer and Interpreter
  • Tagore and Rural Reconstruction
  • Tagore and his Times: The Idea of Asia
  • Tagore: The Golden Bridge between Great Civilizations of India and China
  • TAN CHUNG 96
  • Tagore's Visit and its Impact on China's Literary World
  • YIN XINAN 101
  • Man at the Centre of Universe: Tagore's Ideas on Complete Education
  • Tagore and Technical Education
  • B.N. PATNAIK 110
  • Equal Music: Infl uence of Tagore on other Painters
  • INA PURI 116
  • Tagore: From the 21st Century Perspective
  • 'Blessed am I that I am born to this land': A Biographical sketch of Tagore
  • The Wayfaring Poet
  • AMRIT SEN 52
  • Tagore's Religion
  • Gandhi and Tagore
  • Touched by Tagore
  • Tagore's Swadeshi Samaj: Debates on Nationalism
  • Rabindranath's Role in Women's Emancipation