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Sunday, September 29, 2019
Thursday, September 26, 2019
CfPs: 8th IoS National Conference on Scholarly Communication and Scientometrics | at ACTREC, Mumbai, 22-23 November
The conference will have Plenary talks, Keynote Presentations, Thematic Events, Collaborative Learning, and Networking. IoS 2019 invites papers focusing on the theme of the conference. Key Thematic Areas includes (but not limited to)
- Scholarly Communication and Impact Analysis
- Open Access and Scholarly Publishing Models
- eLearning, MOOCs, and Digital Repositories
- Scientometrics 2.0
- Social networking and Altmetrics
- New Metrics & Scholarly Impact
- Future of Communication and Metric Tools
- Librarianship and Research Impact Analysis
- Research Evaluation Tools
- Bibliometric Laws
- Big Data & Social Networks
- Digital Libraries and Open Access
Dates to remember
- 30th September 2019 – Submission of full papers
- 8th October 2019 - Notification of acceptance with comments
- 15th October 2019 - Submission of final paper incorporating comments
- 21st October 2019 - Registration deadline for authors
Conference Dates: 22-23 November 2019
Submit your final papers at <>. For more information on IoS 2019 please visit <>. I thank you and look forward to your participation in IoS 2019.
With warm regards,
Satish Munnolli
Organizing Secretary - IoS 2019
Librarian & Officer-In-Charge, SCoPE Cell
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC),
Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410210, India
A Launch Event of "AI: A Full Spectrum Regulatory Challenge" policy brief | 27 September, New Delhi
24th STIP Lecture "Innovation and Policy in the Energy Revolution: Some Insights from Europe" | at IHC, New Delhi on 03 October
Monday, September 23, 2019
NITI Aayog releases Report on the Composite Water Management Index 2.0
PIB Delhi | 23 August 2019 | Source:
NITI Aayog first launched and conceptualized the Composite Water Management Index in 2018 as a tool to instill the sense ofcooperative and competitive federalism among the states. This was a first ever attempt at creating a pan-India set of metrics that measured different dimensions of water management and use across the lifecycle of water. The report was widely acknowledged and provided actionable guidance to States on where they were doing well absolutely and relatively and what they needed to focus on to secure their water future.
The CWMI is an important tool to assess and improve the performance of States/ Union Territories in efficient management of water resources. This has been done through a first of its kind water data collection exercise in partnership with Ministry of Jal Shakti, Ministry of Rural Development and all the States/ Union Territories.The index would provide useful information for the States and also for the concerned Central Ministries/Departments enabling them to formulate and implement suitable strategies for better management of water resources.
CWMI 2.0 ranks various states for the reference year 2017-18 as against the base year 2016-17.In the report released today, Gujarat hold on to its rank one in the reference year (2017-18), followed by Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In North Eastern and Himalayan States, Himachal Pradesh has been adjudged number 1 in 2017-18 followed by Uttarakhand, Tripura and Assam. The Union Territories have first time submitted their data and Puducherry has been declared as the top ranker. In terms of incremental change in index (over 2016-17 level), Haryana holds number one position in general States and Uttarakhand ranks at first position amongst North Eastern and Himalayan States.On an average, 80% of the states assessed on the Index over the last three years have improved their water management scores, with an average improvement of +5.2 points.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Student Competition "Resilience meets Sustainability" @ Urban Thinkers Campus | 25-26 September, IHC

Student Competition "Resilience meets Sustainability" @ Urban Thinkers Campus, 'The Resilient City We Need'
25-26 September 2019 | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Cities are estimated to support more than 40% of India's population and more than 75% of national GDP by 2030. National programs like Smart Cities and AMRUT focus on improving city infrastructure and service delivery to ensure that cities develop in a sustainable manner creating a livable environment for its citizens. However, added to the stresses of urbanization, cities are challenged with acute shocks like flooding, earthquake, heat wave etc., that pose risk to the urban infrastructure, quality of urban life and the entire urban systems. Poor planning and urban management are expected to cost Indian cities somewhere between $2.6 and $13 billion annually. Furthermore, trends like climate change will cost the Indian economy $1.178 trillion by 2050 if emissions continue at their current rates. Given the significance of India's urban development, building urban resilience will be key to safeguarding urban investments, implementing the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As India urbanizes with increasing risk to acute shocks, it is evident that the city we need is a 'Resilient City'.
With an intent to strengthen resilience building in urban India, the Urban Resilience Unit within the National Institute of Urban Affairs in partnership with 100 Resilient Cities – pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation; UN Habitat - India; The Energy and Resource Institute; Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) at Global Compact Network India; the International Urban Cooperation, India and the Global Challenges Forum Foundation is organizing the Urban Thinkers Campus – 'The Resilient City We Need' at New Delhi on the 25th and 26th September 2019.
In order to mainstream resilience in Indian cities, the Campus focuses on the following objectives –
Developing evidence and policy frameworks for mainstreaming resilience in urban planning, development and management. Illustrating the need for resilience in an Indian context is critical to orient cities towards the challenge of not only addressing chronic stresses like aging infrastructure, lack of affordable housing etc., but also acute shocks like heat waves, urban floods etc., in a holistic manner. The Campus will enable dialogue on how cities can embed resilience within their urban planning and governance processes and maximize the resilience dividend by mainstreaming it within their ongoing urban development activities. The objective is to enable the stakeholders to identify the way forward for improving sectoral and inter-department coordination for effective implementation of strategies for urban resilience building. - STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES
Understanding local capacities required for building resilient cities. City leaders play an important role in championing resilience, and urban planners and city engineers play an important role in implementing resilience strategies. Therefore, it is important to understand the landscape of local capacities of not only the identified actors but also future urban planners and managers. The Campus will provide a platform for learning and peer exchange between stakeholders that will contribute to the resilience dialogue in India. The objective is to initiate a national level policy dialogue, discuss latest global developments, strengthen capacity of local leaders to implement resilience actions, and foster resilience thinking among future urban planners. - DATA-DRIVEN GOVERNANCE
Constructing framework for data informed decision-making for resilient cities Multi-stakeholder collaboration is imperative in resilience building initiatives. Today, data is being generated by urban stakeholders including but not limited to urban local bodies. By understanding the data landscape holistically, decision makers will be able to address urban challenges and strengthen systems to ensure they are resilient in the face of shocks and stresses. The campus will focus on bringing together city government officials, business leaders, NGOs and academia to deliberate and define a way forward towards informed decision making. The objective is to recognize the value of resilience thinking and the importance of decision questions to build resilience, and for urban stakeholders to recognize the role they can play in building the resilience of their city and how a resilient city will enable their interests to be served. - FOSTERING ENGAGEMENTS AND PARTNERSHIPS
Bringing together different stakeholders to initiate and prioritize the urban resilience agenda Resilience action requires a crosscutting, multi-level and multi-stakeholder engagement, and strong commitments and cooperation not just amongst various city level agencies and utilities, but also businesses and communities. The campus will focus on developing understanding, awareness and shared agendas around the salient features of a sustainable and resilient city. The objective is to discuss the strategic, tactical, and operational roles of partnerships, especially the public-private-people partnership framework to improve city resilience, and present a case of implementing a sustainability transition vision, by investigating the partnerships that developed and brought to the ground the vision, while remaining inspired and driven by sustainability.
CSSP Talk "Skill Development: Theory, Policy and Practice in India" by Dr. K. P. Krishnan (Secretary, MSDE) | 24th September at 3:30PM
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Invites you to a Special Lecture on
Skill Development: Theory, Policy and Practice in India
Dr. K. P. Krishnan
(Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India)
Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1 Building, JNU
Date: Tuesday, 24th September 2019 | Time: 3:30 PM
Abstract: The structure of the talk will be as follows:
- Public Economics view of Skill Development; Role of Public Policy/State in Skill Development; Evolution of Indian Skill Development Ecosystem; Current GOI Programs in Skill Development; and Way Forward.
About the Speaker: Born in 1959, Dr. K.P. Krishnan studied Economics at St. Stephens College and Law at the Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. In 2002, he obtained his PhD in Economics from IIM Bangalore. He joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1983, and has served in various positions in the Government of Karnataka, Government of India and World Bank. Before becoming Secretary in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, he served as Special Secretary in the Department of Land Resources, Additional Secretary in the Department of Economic Affairs, Secretary in the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, and Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs. Dr. Krishnan has authored a number of reports on the Indian financial sector and published many academic papers, primarily on urban development and financial sector issues. In 2012, he held the Bok Visiting Professorship focusing on Indian Capital Market Regulation, at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. In 2017, Dr. Krishnan received the Distinguished Alumni Award of IIM Bangalore.
All are welcome to attend the Lecture.
Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series
Thursday, September 19, 2019
DST India invites Comments on "Draft Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy"
2-Week FDP on "Information Technology in Library and Information Sciences" | 9-20 Oct 2019 at IGNCA, New Delhi
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Join Virtual Conference on Open Access on 25 Sep 2019 11:00 (IST)
Books on History of Science in India
by Nitai Chandra Mandal. Download.
Monday, September 16, 2019
CSSP Lecture "Changing Social Contract between Science and Society: Challenges in the 21st Century" | by Prof VV Krishna | 20th September at 3:00 PM
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Invites you to a Special Lecture on
Changing Social Contract between Science and Society: Challenges in the 21st Century
Prof. V V Krishna
(Professorial Fellow, FASS, University of New South Wales, Sydney; & Honorary Professor, School of History and Philosophy of Science, Sydney University, Australia)
Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1 Building, JNU
Date: Friday, 20th September 2019 | Time: 3:00 PM
About the Speaker: V. V. Krishna is currently Professorial Fellow, FASS at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He has a PhD from the University of Wollongong, Australia and has more than 30 years of research, teaching and consultancy experience in science and technology policy studies, history and sociology of science and technology, innovation studies and science, technology and developing world in leading academic and research institutions in India, Australia, Singapore, China and Canada. He was Professor in Science Policy and Chair, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi for more than 20 years. He held visiting faculty positions at the National University of Singapore; McGill University, Montreal, Canada; Maison des Science De l Homme, Paris; United Nations University, Japan; Western Sydney University, Sydney and Tsinghua University, Beijing. Over the years, he published over 40 papers and five books which include: Science, Technology and Diffusion of Knowledge: Innovation Systems in Asia-Pacific (Edward Elgar 2007); Scientific Communities in the Developing Countries, (Sage 1997). His latest book is on Universities in the National Innovation Systems: Experiences from Asia Pacific (Routledge 2017) He is Editor-in-Chief of ranked international journal Science, Technology and Society (Sage). He was member of various expert committees and been consultant at UNESCO, OECD, ILO and other international agencies. He contributed to World Science Report 1998 and UNESCO Science Report 2005, and to the ILO in 2001 for its programme on the informal sector. He served as expert on European Research Council's Grand Challenges and European Union, Brussels, based networks on research and innovation policies since 1990s.
All are welcome to attend the Lecture.
Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series
Sunday, September 15, 2019
First FISD Lecture "Science Diplomacy and Capacity Building in Space Applications" | 18 September at RIS, New Delhi
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
DST invites Comments on Draft Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy by 8.10.2019
Comments Invited on Draft Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy by 8.10.2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019
SWAYAM ARPIT Online Course on Emerging Trends & Technologies in Library & Information Services (ETTLIS)
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Science and Technology Introduction
New Report: "State of the Decentralized Renewable Energy Sector in India, 2017-18"
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Journal of Scientometric Research 8(2), 2019, issue is now online.
Journal of Scientometric Research
Vol 8, Issue 2 | May-August 2019
Research Articles
- Global Distribution of Google Scholar Citations: A Size-independent Institution-based Analysis | Aparna Basu, Deepika Malhotra, Taniya Seth, Pranab Kumar Muhuri | Journal of Scientometric Research, 8(2):72-78
- An Analogy in Scientometric Journal Factors of Importance of Remote Sensing Journals | Shakil Ahmad, Hisham I.M. Abdel-Magid, Isam Mohammed Abdel-Magid, Enayat Bano, Abu Waris | 8(2):79-85
- The Prevalence of Software Deployment in Persian Scientometric Studies: A Meta-analysis Approach | Mohammad Alaee Arani, Faramarz Soheili, Afshin Mousavi Chelak, Ali Akbar Khasseh | 8(2):86-93
- Role and Responsibility of BRICS Countries in Air Pollution Control: An Evaluation of Scholarly Communication | Sadik Batcha Majeed | 8(2):94-101
Research Note
- Quality Assessment of Randomized Controlled Trials in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | Bahmani Jahromi Maryam, Salehi Alireza, Marzban Maryam, Habibi Amin | 8(2):102-108
- Nipah Virus: An Exploratory Scientometrics Analysis, 1999-2018 | Satish Sivaprakasam, Vasna Joshua | 8(2):109-116
Book Reviews
- Big Data Analytics in Digital Knowledge Society | Bidyarthi Dutta | 8(2):117-118
- Geographies of Growth: Innovations, Networks and Collaborations | Ashish Gosain | 8(2):119-124
CSSP Lecture Series on "Lighting to Livelihood: Innovating for Impact" by Nitin Akhade (Clean Energy Access Network) | 4th September at 4:00 pm
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Invites you to a CSSP Wednesday Lecture Series on
Lighting to Livelihood: Innovating for Impact
Nitin Akhade
(Clean Energy Access Network, New Delhi)
Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, CSSP, SSS-1 Building, JNU
Date: Wednesday, 4th September 2019 | Time: 4:00 pm
Abstract: India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In order to keep the economic growth aligned with climate change commitments, India needs to accept the concept of responsible production and consumption of clean and affordable energy at the source. Such responsible actions will not only help in ameliorating the lifestyles of rural communities but will also help in sustaining the economic growth without diluting on climate change commitments. The per capita electrical energy consumption has to improve and be par with the global average for delivering the growth. The average per capita electrical energy consumption in India is 1122 kWh as compared to a global average of 2674kWh. In order to boost the rural economy and bring the quality of life to those unserved and under-served areas of India, a clean and reliable supply of electrical energy is of utmost importance. In this context, decentralised electrical energy which is generated and consumed at the source is not only economical but also helps alleviate poverty for the deprived section of society. Growing awareness, falling prices, technology improvements, and innovative business models are making Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) systems, a preferred choice for consumers and policymakers across the globe. What makes DRE even more attractive is its potential in triggering development impacts for communities by enabling income-generating opportunities, improving quality of education, health and sanitation, financial inclusion through banking, and overall quality of life. The lifestyle and growth aspirations of the Indian people can be rapidly met using clean and modern forms of energy, combined with DRE, energy efficiency, and related interventions. The session will discuss challenges in developing grassroots-level innovation that follows the principle of adoption, accessibility, and affordability. The session will discuss how last-mile innovation can help rural communities to enhance their livelihood.
About the Speaker: Mr. Nitin Akhade is leading the technology and market efforts at Clean Energy Access Network, New Delhi. Nitin is regularly interacting with 150+ energy practitioners across India. He holds Master in Energy Engineering from Grenoble Institute of Technology, France and University Polytechnic Catalonia, Barcelona. He also holds Executive degree in energy management from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France.
All are cordially invited.
Coordinator, CSSP Wednesday Lecture Series