Vitarka: A CSIR-NISTADS Outreach Programme for Inclusive Policy Debate
Topic: "India needs to improve its water efficiency"
Date: 28th September 2016 at 6:00 PM (Tea: 5:45 pm)
Venue: India International Center, Seminar Hall 1, New Delhi
NISTADS is organizing a small group discussion comprising maximum 30 participants from various section of the society. Participation in Vitarka is by invitation based on direct invitation or selection from requests received through web registration. Kindly register on NISTADS website for participation by 26th September 2016. Email from NISTADS will be sent by 27nd September 2016 to the participants whose participation is confirmed.
About Vitarka
An active and inclusive public debate can make significant contribution to policy formulation and policy advocacy. CSIR National Institute for Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS) is launching a public discussion forum Vitarka. The primary goal of Vitarka is to engage the public in policy debate for techno-socio-economic transformation, especially through S&T intervention.
Vitarka is planned as an open environment platform for informed and participative discussion. Vitarka sessions will be organized at India International Centre (IIC).
CSIR-NISTADS invites public and all stakeholders for their views, contribution and participation in this techno-socio-economic developments initiative. Vitarka will greatly benefit from your contribution and participation. The topics planned under Vitarka can range from Clean Water, Carbon Taxes, Energy, GM Crops, and Stem Cell Research to Space Mission and Nuclear Policy.
Further Details
Dr. Mohammad Rais
Coordinator: Vitarka-NISTADS Outreach Programme (NOP)
CSIR-NISTADS, Pusa Gate, K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110012, India
T: +91-11-25843052 (office)
E: mohammad_rais[at]; rais[at]

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