Friday, September 23, 2022

Vol. 2, No. 9: Access to government information πŸ”“

September 2022 β€” Vol. 2, No. 9
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Dear all,

Welcome to the September IFLA Newsletter!

The importance of access to information as a right for all is at the heart of IFLA's values. It is a valuable goal in its own right, and an essential precondition for the achievement of so many other rights – to education, health, culture, science and more.

Crucially, it is also part and parcel of effective and good governance. As already highlighted in IFLA's statement on the topic a few years back, not only do those in power need information in order to take the best possible decisions, but so too do the legislators who shape legislation, and of course the citizens who vote in elections, and engage in between.

As guarantors of access to information, selected, packaged and presented in ways that best enable this, libraries have an essential role, and one that we need to underline at any opportunity.

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Anoja Fernando, Chair Division B


IFLA President Barbara Lison gave an virtual address at the International conference "The disasters of war - Why save culture", held in Tortona, Italy, while the President-elect spoke at the Sri Lankan Library Association's Annual national conference on Library and Information Science.

IFLA representatives were also present at the UN Transforming Education Summit, the G20 Urban 20 Summit, the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum, and the UNESCO International Literacy Day Conference – see the Policy and Advocacy section below for more information!


The colourful book cover of Navigating Copyright for Libraries.

Copyright Reader

IFLA is proud to announce that Navigating Copyright for Libraries – Purpose and Scope, is available for free, open access download from the IFLA Repository and the de Gruyter website thanks to support from IFLA's Professional Council (previously the Professional Committee) and from the de Gruyter website to order in print. The 20-chapter volume is intended as a resource for library professionals around the world as a reference, a tool for learning, and as a way of catching up on key processes and developments.

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The Power of Public Libraries: IFLA Public Libraries Section + the IFLA Strategy

This month, IFLA features the IFLA Public Libraries Section in the Units + Strategy recognition series, for their success in aligning their work to the 2019-2024 IFLA Strategic plan with accomplishments such as The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 2022, the IFLA/Systemic Public 2022 Library of the Year Award (PLOTY), amongst other strong initiatives. See how the Unit is supporting Key Initiatives 1.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

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Celebrating International Literacy Day: What makes libraries unique as literacy learning spaces?

For this year's International Literacy Day, we asked the members of IFLA's Literacy and Reading Section Standing Committee for their views on the day's theme – transforming literacy learning spaces.

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Law Libraries Section: Working to Ensure Public Access to Digital Law and Legal Information

The IFLA Law Libraries Section has been involved in promoting access to government information, with a particular emphasis on access to law and legal information, for many years. Access to legal information is a critical part of ensuring citizens can be active participants in democratic governance.β€―

It is the goal of the Law Libraries Section to play a role in encouraging governments to make law and legal information available to the public.β€― We welcome partners and others who wish to engage with us on these efforts.β€―

Read more about the Law Libraries Section's work with the IFLA Statement on Government Provision of Public Legal Information in the Digital Age here:

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Parliamentary Libraries & Archives: Providing information and related services

Constitutions assign to parliaments not only the functions of law making and approval of expenditure/taxation but also the role of overseeing the work of the executive branch of government.β€―Focusing on this last function of parliaments Josefa Fuentes, IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments (IFLAPARL) Chair, analyzes some of the inherent challenges ensuring public access to information produced and attained by the libraries and research services in parliaments related to government information:

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Library and Research Services for Parliaments: it's complicated!

Parliamentary Libraries contribute to democracy through the provision of information, of reference and research services, of subject matter expert support to parliamentary committees and associations, and in many cases, the provision of information to the public about parliament.

The work of IFLAPARL in providing an international network for parliamentary libraries is essential to the library and research service leaders navigating these environments and issues.β€― IFLAPARL's guidance on the core functions of library management has recently been updated (
Guidelines for Parliamentary Libraries, third ed.), and there is also guidance on provision of research services (Guidelines for Parliamentary Research Services) and ethical considerations (IFLAPARL Ethics Checklist).

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UK's Crown Copyright and the Government Web

As in many other countries, United Kingdom (UK) government information to citizens has been revolutionised over the last two decades, moving from largely paper based forms and publications to online provision 24/7.β€―

Whilst this has many advantages, there are also dangers that all information professionals should be aware of and communicate to their customers. A particular problem is fake or copycat offering access to government services such as visa applications for an inflated fee. One way the UK government has combatted this is by streamlining all government websites into a clearly signposted site, which has greatly improved the 'citizen experience' of using government web services online.β€―IFLA Government Libraries Section Information Coordinator, Jonathan Ginn covers the bases:

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Building a Better Government Information Landscape

Next week, we'll be promoting the Government Information and Official Publications Section's 2021 Professional Report on The Government Information Landscape and Libraries at a meeting of the African Union's African Peer Review Mechanism. In advance of this, take a look at this excellent and comprehensive insight into the state of government information today, and priorities for improvement.

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IFLA Announces the Launch of the 2022 IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit

The Transforming Education Summit has brought diverse stakeholders including policymakers and civil society organisations together at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York to make commitments towards reimagining and transforming education. In our engagement, we promoted the IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, as well as the role of libraries in supporting inclusive education.

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IFLA Policy and Advocacy Officer Claire McGuire at the Transforming Education summit in New York.

Photo Source: UN Photo/Manuel ElΓ­as. IFLA Policy and Advocacy Officer Claire McGuire at the Transforming Education summit in New York.

IFLA to Engage at MONDIACULT 2022

IFLA is excited to bring the perspective of libraries to the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 . This is a historic conference which will bring leaders together to shape a more robust and resilient cultural sector – enabling it to fulfil its potential to drive progress on sustainable development.

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Eight speaker portraits.

Recovering stronger, recovering together in cities: libraries engage at G20 Urban20 Conference

IFLA has participated for the first time in a G20 related summit, the Urban 20 summit, held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Drawing on the excellent work and examples of the Indonesian library field, we underlined the importance of inclusive education policies, mobilising core infrastructure such as libraries, and basing decision on cultural insights.

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10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is proud to share its 2022 statement on open access (OA), "10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action". The new statement updates IFLA's 2011 statement, affirming the value of open access and related initiatives while outlining IFLA's ongoing work in the area.

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Libraries as Literacy Champions: an Indonesian Case Study

To mark International Literacy Day 2022, we took a look at the work done by libraries in Indonesia in order to help the over 8.5 million people lacking basic literacy skills there to develop the capacities they need to participate fully in the knowledge society.

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Missed the regional sessions at WLIC?

If you were not able to attend the sessions organised by our Regional Division Committees at WLIC, never mind - we're running them as webinars over the coming weeks. It's a great chance to hear about what they're doing, and how you can get engaged.

Register now (MENA) β†’
Register (Asia-Oceania) β†’


Knowledge Rights 21

Do you want to join our dynamic team and help us change copyright practice and policy? Or do you want to send us your great idea for a national initiative that supports the KR21 Programme?

We currently have vacancies for National Coordinators and open calls for National Initiatives.

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Excited IFLA members.

Become a member now and have your say in IFLA's future

Did you know that if you join now as an IFLA member or affiliate you pay at the 2022 rate and your fee will cover your membership for the rest of the year and all of 2023?

It's true, and there's more if you join now!

Join today β†’


IFLA warmly welcomes the following new members:

Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation – Jordan
Carlos Hilado Memorial State University – Philippines
Casalini Libri – Italy
Chitalishta Union – Bulgaria
Deanship of Library Affairs in Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University – Saudi Arabia
Department of Information and Library Science, Universitas Airlangga – Indonesia
Dublin City University – Ireland
Duke Kunshan University – China
Eversheds Sutherland – United States of America
Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture & Recreation –South Africa
Imperial War Museums – United Kingdom
Kabale University – Uganda
Kyambogo University Library – Uganda
Novartis Ireland Limited – Ireland
Parliament of Albania – Albania
TSU National Science Library – Georgia
University of Iowa Law Library – United States of America

We look forward to your engagement and involvement!


To the events calendar β†’


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