Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Vol. 2, No. 3: The #BreakTheBias Issue 🙅🏻‍♀️

Mar 2022 — Vol. 2, No. 3
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Welcome to the March edition of the IFLA Newsletter!

This month's theme is #BreakTheBias, inspired by the theme for International Women's Day.

We have interpreted this idea of challenging the status quo to refer not only to the deeply important journey towards equality for all genders, but also to encompass many other areas of life where assumptions and barriers intersect to limit and harm our individual freedoms and ability to flourish.

Libraries – when given space and resources to live up to their potential - play a crucial role in helping community members overcome these complex challenges.

Creating safe spaces, facilitating the sharing of stories and enabling access to knowledge are just three of the many ways that libraries help us to overcome these often invisible and sometimes unspeakable forces. In this issue, we dive deeper into some case studies from around the globe, as collected as part of our Library Map of the World project and advocacy work.

Please read, share and discuss what inspires you from this growing collection.

Our call to action – in this time of great uncertainty and complexity – is to resist the path of least resistance. To show up and stand up for peace and understanding each and every day and to take time to listen and to learn from each other. To recognise our individual biases
, and seek out the knowledge required to help us move past them.

IFLA has issued a
statement on Ukraine and is encouraged by the solidarity shown by many colleagues, institutions and associations and the concern for freedom of expression amid growing disinformation. Behind the scenes, IFLA is in touch with Ukrainian colleagues and coordinating with Blue Shield International and UNESCO for the protection for Ukraine's cultural and documentary heritage.

There is much that libraries, librarians and the field at large have done and will do to bring light in through the cracks. We invite you, our Members, to continue on this urgent journey with us.

I was delighted to see that the theme for the United Nations observance of International
Women's Day 2022 is "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow". This is a wonderful coincidence with my Presidential theme "Libraries building a sustainable future" and again shows that sustainability is touching so many areas of our lives. Libraries are contributing to them in countless ways.

In this spirit of togetherness, we are looking very much forward to welcoming many of you to WLIC 2022 in Dublin in July. In this edition, you'll find more information about early bird registrations which are now open.

For those who are unable to travel during this period, a livestream of key events at WLIC will be freely available online. Be part of our continuing efforts to inspire, enable, engage and connect.

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Barbara Lison

Barbara Lison
IFLA President


Germany awards Federal Cross of Merit to IFLA President, Barbara Lison

Barbara Lison, IFLA president and director of Stadtbibliothek Bremen, has been awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Cross of Merit - the highest German order) for her many years of national and international commitment to libraries.

Lison was presented with the prize by Andreas Bovenschulte, Prime Minister of the German state of Bremen and city mayor.

See more on

Barbara Lison receiving the award.

Let's Impact! SDG Storytelling – Why? What? So What?

Stories can make change happen. They can help raise awareness, change attitudes, and mobilise. They ignite our imagination; they let us build bridges across time and space. Stories affirm who we are and allow us to experience the similarities between ourselves and others, real or imagined.

Storytelling is all about engagement, using the power of words to create empathy, loyalty and aspiration. By telling stories based on solid evidence, we can win over hearts and minds, and encourage people – and in particular politicians, funders and other decision-makers and influencers – to give us their support.

Learn more about evidence-based storytelling and how to communicate the contribution and impact of your organisation to various audiences in
this video, prepared by IFLA Member Engagement Office Kristīne Pabērza Ramiresa for the Europeana 2021 Conference.

A hand holding a paper with doodles. Text reads: Let's impact! SDG Storytelling - Why?  What? So What?


Act now and complete your registration for IFLA's 87th World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland from 26-29 July 2022.

Reconnect with colleagues and challenge yourself by exploring new ideas and different perspectives. Gain inspiration from expert speakers across all areas of library and information services and international advocacy. Share your knowledge in discussions. Increase your awareness of leading-edge technical innovations and services and speak in person with trade representatives at our extensive exhibition.

As professionals, we treasure the impact that libraries and our work have on the lives of others. Recharge your passion, spend time engaging in deep conversations, and equip yourself with knowledge to enrich your work.

Your Irish colleagues are waiting to show you the extraordinary cultural heritage and literary history of Ireland, in combination with the warmest welcome and outstanding hospitality.

Visit the WLIC 2022 website regularly for updates and all the details. New information will be added continually.

Let's meet in Dublin in July. Céad Míle Fáilte – a Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Register here →

Apply now to be a volunteer at #WLIC2022! Free registration for the Congress, plenty of networking opportunities and a unique experience in Dublin.

Check the eligibility criteria and send your application.

Call for volunteers →

If you want to share your work and are able to travel to Dublin this July, come join us at the IFLA Poster Sessions during #WLIC2022! An opportunity to network and get inspired.

Check the guidelines and apply now.

Call for posters →


Community library's women's circle educates to reduce gender-based violence in Argentina

Attendees of Women's Circle have formed their own networks to exchange knowledge, to assist with incident reporting and to provide emotional support.

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Equality in Kazakhstan. Library raises awareness and fosters research enabling gender balance and equality.

Opportunities for women in Tunisia. Tunisian library's digital skills course promotes opportunities for women.

Women empowerment in Spain. Library supports university to mainstream gender equality and empowerment of women.

Access to employment in Sri Lanka. National library facilitates skills development programme to help citizens acquire skills for employment.


Libraries and the 2022 International Women's Day

Every year, International Women's Day spotlights women's and girls' work, empowerment and achievements across social, cultural, economic and political fields – while also highlighting the urgent need to tackle remaining gender inequities.

This year's theme, "
Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow", is an important reminder that crises have the heaviest impact on the most vulnerable and at-risk people and social groups, across gender lines.

IFLA Women in Libraries Special Interest Group has revisited findings from the 2017 WILSIG conference in Bratislava, Slovakia - and their work from 2018 and 2019, to gather lessons learned and good practice examples of library support in times of crisis.

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The New Model Library: Pandemic Effects and Library Directions

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, OCLC has connected with leaders and staff at cultural heritage institutions from around the world to understand how the crisis has impacted them, their institutions, and communities, how they have responded, and how the experiences are shaping their future plans. Their researchers interviewed 29 library leaders from 11 countries during the height of the pandemic and generously shared their insights with us. Click below to watch, and learn!

Watch now →
Two kids in regional clothing in front of a laptop.

Upholding Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Reflections on International Mother Language Day

IFLA urges discourse on the role of digital technologies in upholding cultural rights and promoting multilingualism to spotlight gaps in connectivity infrastructure. We encourage policymakers to look to libraries as knowledge partners who can help work towards universal access and meaningful connectivity.

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Abstract painting with bold colours. Reads: IFLA Virtual Event. Libraries enabling inclusive and meaningful access to culture

ResiliArt x Mondiacult – Libraries enabling inclusive and meaningful access to culture

This 110-minute webinar asks library and information experts to share their experience and perspectives on several vectors of inclusive and meaningful access to culture. Crucially, their discussion sheds light on priorities for libraries and gaps in cultural policy that could be addressed to further enable libraries to fulfil this role!

Watch now →


The African Union's Agenda 63: The Africa we want is the blueprint for transforming the African continent. It speaks to the need for people-centred development, gender equality and youth empowerment. Many of its themes tie into the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The IFLA Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Division Committee organised a
Panel Discussion as a side event to the recent UN Africa Regional Forum for Sustainable Development. The theme: Building forward better: African library partnerships for inclusive information and education towards Agendas 2030 and 2063. A summary and recording of the discussion is now available.

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Graffitti of two open hands

IFLA Indigenous Matters Section + UNESCO's Decade of Indigenous Languages

Language is vital to the wellbeing, cultural practices, and living heritage of Indigenous peoples. However, many Indigenous languages throughout the world are endangered through lack of use or threatened by limits to freedom of expression. The UNESCO Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032) is intended to support and advance the Rights of Indigenous peoples to language and respond to an urgent need to language protection and revitalisation.

The Indigenous Matters Section is committed to promoting and protecting Indigenous languages and proposes a three-year project that will focus on building strategic goals that holistically connect the activities of the Section in relation to Indigenous languages to all of IFLA, as well as Indigenous library and cultural organisations, and to other groups. Read more about this Section's work aligned to IFLA's Strategic Key Initiative 1.4.

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Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners – global review

The Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners serve to inform the operation and management of libraries in prisons across the world, and are updated in the framework of the The IFLA Library Services to People with Special Needs (LSN) Section. These guidelines act as the basis for locally-developed prison library guidelines and procedures in individual countries. LSN is seeking feedback on the most recent draft of the guidelines.

Please provide any
feedback on the guidelines via email to Jane Garner at
jagarner@csu.edu.au by 31 March, 2022.

A Corto di Libri/Short of books: short films about libraries

The 12th edition of the contest "A corto di libri. Short of books: short films tell about libraries" is finally open! The contest is organised by the Italian Library Association (AIB) with the support of Pikes Peak Library District, in collaboration with Del Vecchio and Gallucci publishers, IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Section and MLOL MediaLibraryOnLine.

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Green Library Award – Submission deadline extended

Generously sponsored by De Gruyter Publishing, the IFLA Green Library Award is given to libraries and projects that best communicate their commitment to environmental sustainability.

The deadline for the IFLA
Green Library Award 2022 is now extended to 14 March 2022!

Please think about presenting your Green Library or your Green Library project to the international community.

Green library award logo. An open book with leaves growing out the pages.


Annual Renewals

IFLA's annual renewals have been sent to all Members and Affiliates along with tips on how to get the most from your membership. Membership fees are due by 31 March. Don't forget – paid Members and Affiliates receive substantial discounts on WLIC 2022 registrations.

What happened to the Regional Sections?

As of August 2021, the former regional Sections Africa, Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean no longer exist. Instead, six Regional Divisions were formed as part of IFLA's amended structure. Regional Division Committees have been implemented to support advocacy priorities for our institutions, and the development and delivery of action plans that recognise and create space for nuanced responses to local and regional needs:

  • Asia-Oceania

  • Europe

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Middle East and North Africa

  • North America

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

These committees hold regular meetings and events. Every IFLA Member and Affiliate is automatically a member of their relevant Regional Division. If you'd like to find out about what is happening in your region, discover more on our website.


Not yet a member? With a new year of exciting professional opportunities ahead, now is a great time to join!

Become a member →


IFLA is pleased to welcome the following new members:

Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, Lisbon, Portugal

Oregon State University Libraries, Corvallis, USA

King Fahad National Library, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


To the events calendar →


Want to get featured here? Don't forget to use the #WeAreIFLA hashtag!

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