Thursday, October 11, 2018

CfPs: 42nd Indian Social Science Congress on "Human Future In Digital Era" | 15-19 December at BHU

42nd Indian Social Science Congress
Focal Theme: Human Future In Digital Era
December 15-19, 2018
Venue: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Organized by Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA)

Indian Social Science Academy (formerly Indian Academy of Social Science, ISSA) in association with Banaras Hindu University shall hold its 42nd Indian Social Science Congress between December 15-19, 2018 at Varanasi. "Human Future In Digital Era" is its focal theme. Teachers, research students, scientists, social activists, policy planners and independent thinkers/philosophers are cordially invited to present their research based papers on subjects/issues in any of the following 21 Thematic Panels:
Thematic Panels
1. Conflicts, War, Peace and Social Security
2. Democracy and Human Rights
3. Ecological and Environmental Protection Movements
4. Ethics of Science and Society
5. Global Warming and Climate Change
6. History and Philosophy of Science
7. Information Technology, Mass Media and Culture
8. Labour in Organized and Unorganized Sectors
9. Nation, States and Emerging Challenges
10. Natural Resources, Bio-diversity and Geographic Information System
11. Patent Laws and Intellectual Property Rights
12. Peasants , Livelihood and Land-use
13. Peoples (Dalit, Tribes, Women, Peasants, etc) Struggles and Movements For Equitable Democratic Society
14. Engineering Science 14. Peoples Health and Quality of Life
15. Political Economy of India
17. Rural Technology, Social Organizations and Rural Development
18. Science Communication and Science Popularization
19. Science Technology and Social Development
20. Social Processes, Social Structures and Social Alienation
21. Unity of Science/Science of Nature-Humans Society

Details of sub-themes of the focal theme, 'Human Future In Digital Era', international symposium/seminars/workshops/colloquium can be had either from the website of Banaras Hindu University or from the General Secretary, ISSA or Organizing Secretary. 
Abstracts of a paper within 500 words should be sent through e-mail as well as by post before October 20, 2018 and the full paper in triplicate before November 10, 2018. One soft copy of the papers should be e-mailed and 3 hard copies with CD and Declaration form should be sent to the General Secretary, ISSA through speed post. Papers can be either in Hindi or in English.
All those whose papers are accepted are requested to register before November 15, 2018. Free hostel/Guest House accommodation, subsidized meals, kits and publication of the Congress will be available to all the registered delegates.
Eighth All India Young Scientists Convention will be held during the Congress Its details will be announced separately. Please mail your paper, registration fee and membership to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy and write to the Organizing Secretary about hostel/Guest House accommodation and Kashi Darshan.
It may be noted that gold medal is awarded for the best research paper. We request you to circulate it among your colleagues and faculty and encourage them to participate in the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress.
Further information can be had either on the Websites and or from the undersigned.
(N. P. Chaubey) General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy, Iswar Saran Ashran Campus, Allahabad-211004
(Prof. Ajit Kumar Pandey) Organising Secretary, Department of Sociology, Banaras Hindeu University, Varanashi-221005, E-mail:
Organized by Indian Social Science Academy (Formerly Indian Academy of Social Sciences), HQ: Iswar Saran Ashram Campus, Allahabad 211004 | T: (O):0532-2544245, F: 0532-2544170, | E:, W:

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