Wednesday, September 23, 2009

World Wide Views on Global Warming: A global citizen consultation on climate policy

World Wide Views on Global Warming: A global citizen consultation on climate policy

On September 26, 2009, citizens get the chance to communicate their views on global warming.

On September 26, 2009, World Wide Views on Global Warming (WWViews) will give citizens all over the world a possibility to define and communicate their positions on issues and questions central to the negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, starting two months later. Decisions made at COP15 will shape the global climate policy for years to come. Furthermore, citizens of the world have to live with global warming and this future climate policy, which is why they should be consulted before political decision-makers negotiate at the COP15.

In their Letter of Support, The United Nations Development Program says that "... citizens, businesses, and non-governmental organizations need to engage in identifying and implementing the right solutions. World Wide Views can help bring that change about."

And this is what WWViews will do: engage citizens and bring forward their views through citizen consultations in 38 countries all over the world. During these consultations citizens will deliberate and vote on some of the questions negotiated at the COP15.

WWViews Day: Sept. 26th 2009

  • Global citizen consultation on climate change
  • National citizen meetings around the globe, connected and communicated on the Internet
  • Will inform the UN COP15 conference on climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009
  • Initiated and coordinated by The Danish Board of Technology and The Danish Cultural Institute
  • National citizen meetings coordinated by partners all over the world

The Method

The WWViews method is a hybrid based on several decades of innovation by the Danish Board of Technology (DBT – the Danish Parliament’s Office of Technology Assessment), and by other organizations, in engaging citizens in political decision-making processes. The WWViews citizen deliberations will be informed by well-balanced briefing material. Scientific experts, political decisionmakers, a diverse range of other stakeholders, and international citizen focus groups have contributed to formulating the questions and briefing packets, which have been distributed centrally from the DBT and translated into local languages.

Send a global message

We encourage national and international press along with other interested parties to follow World Wide Views on Global Warming, to report the process, and to make citizens' views on future climate policy known to political decision-makers anywhere on the globe.

National partners, India

  • CSSP - Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • CSM - Centre for Social Markets, Bangalore

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Research Methods in Quantitative Economics (RMQE)

Advanced Coursework in Research Methods in Quantitative Economics (RMQE)

November 2009 and April 2010

Organized by Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata

(in collaboration with Eastern Regional Centre of ICSSR)

Call for Applications

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences invites applications from registered/ prospective PhD students for an advanced coursework in Research Methods in Quantitative Economics (RMQE). The course will run between November 2009 and April 2010 and taught by renowned economists from India, USA and UK. There is no fee for the course.

Interested applicants should visit and download detailed prospectus and application forms: PDF Version Word Version . Forms are also available on request via email to Coordinator, RMQE: rmqe[at]

Last date for receiving completed application is 30 September 2009.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Indo-US International Congress-Cum-Workshop ON IPR

Indo-US International Congress-Cum-Workshop ON IPR

5 -7 October 2009

Venue: Amity University, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India


The 21st century is known as an era of science and technology. All-round Developments are taking place at very fast pace and these would determine the growth and success of any nation, besides changing the lives of mankind in all areas but one has to keep abreast of these research, innovation and technology can only be useful if it leads to commercial/societal utilization for which Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues are of immense importance.

Seeing its importance, a three-day Workshop is being organized in the area of IPR to provide a platform to researchers and academicians, students and industry partners from India and abroad to come together and share their experiences and to deliberate on: Evolution of Intellectual Property Rights; Trademarks and Geographical Indicators; Patents and Industrial Designs; Copyrights Enforcement; IPR for Economic Growth; Role of Regulatory Bodies; IPR in the Digital Age; Technology Transfer; Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity; and many more.

The lectures will be delivered by national and international experts followed by interactive round table discussions. For further clarification and assistance on practical IPR issues, Amity University IPR experts will be available on the spot.

Submission of Papers

  • Submission of Abstract: 15 September 2009
  • Submission of Full Paper: 30 September 2009
  • Poster: download the instructions and form
  • Full Paper: download the instructions and form


  • Key Dates Registration: 20 September 2009
  • Download the Registration Form

Further Details

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Contextualising Geographical Approaches to Studying Gender in Asia

International Seminar on Contextualising Geographical Approaches to Studying Gender in Asia

3-5 March 2010

Venue: University of Delhi, India

Organised by: Department of Geography, University of Delhi and the College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University (ANU) with Support from the International Geographical Union (IGU)

Call for Papers

Against a backdrop of immense social and cultural diversities and rapid changes in society and economy, gendered geographies in Asia are being continuously produced, reproduced and renegotiated. Geographical research on gender and gender relations in Asia have reached a critical mass, with a number of studies being produced by Asian-based geographers as well as by Asian or other scholars trained and living abroad. In this context, Gender Studies and mainstream Human Geography can no longer inhabit and represent separate worlds. Rather, both approaches have immense potential to enrich each other theoretically, methodologically and empirically. The critical questions concern: what new angle can geographical approaches to gender introduce to gender and women's studies in Asia? Conversely, how can gender studies enrich geographical studies on Asia?
This international seminar addresses the long felt need of a comprehensive dialogue and discussion between and across practitioners of the fields. In particular, it addresses the contexts from within which work on the geographies of gender and gendered geographies have emerged, the constraints faced as well as the boundaries breached. It also aims to initiate a dialogue between geographers working on gender and scholarly approaches rooted in other disciplinary methodologies in Asia.

The seminar is a collaborative effort between the University of Delhi* and The Australian National University. Apart from providing a forum for Asian geographers to critically examine the contexts that shape their work on gender, it also aims to initiate a productive dialogue between them and other Asian feminists as well as those based overseas. The seminar would also attempt to present and explore the inherent polyvocality of the Asian academic milieu to feminist geographers of the Anglophone world.

Those interested in participating in the seminar may chose to share theoretical formulations or empirical work on the manner in which gender and space create and implicate each other, the nature of spatial practice and representations, the gender bias in geographical curriculum and alternative methodologies to capture the nexus between gender and space, specifically in the Asian context.

Technical sessions of the seminar would thus be grouped along the following broad themes:

I. The spatiality of gender
II. The gendered nature of space, place, and environments
III. Contributions of gender studies to geographical pedagogy
IV. Methodological issues in gender studies in geography – quantitative vs qualitative, women vs gender, positionality and fieldwork

Selected papers from those accepted for presentation will be published in a co-edited volume. Abstracts of about 500 words should be sent to the organisers along with a brief biographical outline by 15 November, 2009. Abstracts should be in sent in a doc file as attachment to emails. Papers that have been selected will be notified by 15 December, 2009. Full papers of publishable standard – in MS Word format and around 5,000-6,000 words – must be submitted by 15 February, 2010.

Participants are encouraged to seek funding for travel from their parent institutions. However a limited number of travel grants will be available for the Indian participants. Local hospitality and accommodation will be covered by the organisers.

Key Dates

Submission of Abstracts: 15 November 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 15 December 2009
Submission of Full Papers: 15 February 2010


  • Anindita Datta: anindita.dse[at]
  • Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt: kuntala.lahiri-dutt[at]

Further Details

Friday, September 11, 2009

Climate Change, Mitigation and Developing Country Growth

Climate Change, Mitigation and Developing Country Growth


Michael Spence

Lecture on "Climate Change, Mitigation and Developing Country Growth" delivered by Nobel Laureate Professor Michael Spence on 7 September 2009 at Hotel Taj Mahal, New Delhi.


This paper deals with global mitigation strategy. More specifically the main purpose is to address the question of whether growth in the developing world is consistent with long-run climate change objectives. The answer I believe is yes. The first part of this paper lays out time paths for emissions for countries in various categories. These paths are consistent with countries’ growth objectives, incomes, and capacity to absorb mitigation costs. The intent is to show that while global emissions are likely to remain flat or even to rise as a result of the combined effect of mitigation undertaken by advanced countries and growth in the developing world, eventually reasonably safe global per capita levels can be reached on a 50-year time horizon. The second part of this paper discusses countries' roles in relation to different categories and mechanisms that would support the achievement of safe emissions paths. These mechanisms create incentives and deal with the absorption of costs. In particular, the paper argues that a carbon credit trading system in the advanced countries, combined with an effective cross‐border mechanism and a 'graduation' criterion for developing countries to join the advanced group, will create strong incentives, achieve a fair pattern of cost absorption, and support the dynamics described in part one. One point emerges clearly: the cross-border mechanism (or international offsets) is essential in dealing with both the efficiency and the cost absorption/equity challenges of a global mitigation strategy.

Download Full-text Paper

Download Presentation

Related Links:

  • Anuradha, R.V. (2009). Negotiations in Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities. Lecture delivered on 27 August 2009 at ICRIER, New Delhi. Download Presentation.
  • Mendelsohn, Robert (2009). Climate Change and Economic Growth. Washington, DC: Commission on Growth and Development. Download Full-text Paper.
  • Wheeler, David (2007). Greenhouse Emissions and Climate Change: Implications for Developing Countries and Public Policy. Washington, DC: Commission on Growth and Development. Download Full-text Paper

International Conference on Hands-on Science

Sixth International Conference on Hands-on Science (HSCI 2009)

Science for All: Quest for Excellence

27-31 October 2009

Venue: Science City, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Organized By:

  • International Association Hands-on Science Network (HSCI Network)
  • International Centre for Science Communication (ICSC)
  • National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC/DST)
  • Vigyan Prasar (VP)
  • Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC)
  • Institute of Management & Advanced Studies (IMAS)
  • Science Technology and Development Initiative (STAD)

The importance of learning by doing has been an old adage. This can be considered to be about internalising the concept and the phenomenon by performing hands-on experience at it, thereby synchronizing head and hands together to achieve excellence in every walk of life. This is how science has progressed to the present level, though slowly it went into shell for masses and remained mostly confined to scientific world. But science and technology, not a matter of masses, is a dangerous preposition. This new awakening is to undo this very error and re-establish the public understanding of science and technology and literacy. This is to spread far and wide that science can be befriended easily by understanding it while actually doing activity and try out experimentation at basic level. Hands-on Science has been emphasised by the experts and proponents of popularisation of science skills culture and science education. Several organisations, groups and experts have been working in their own knowledge spheres in different parts of the world and achieving results, which are encouraging. Hands-on science has been a movement for enhancing the level of human outcome and innovation in the society using formal and informal science education and communication channels. Many society organisations and associations of scientists, technologists and educators have been propagating the idea and have generated lot of experience and devised methodologies to achieve these goals. It is high time that the subject finds coordinated platform in the widest range of continents and countries, in particular this time in India, which is evidently one of the fastest emerging economies of the world as well as the powerhouse of traditional and modern technologies, knowledge and innovative practices. The ultimate benefit shall be for the people, for all, and the cause of science and technology focusing on scientific and technological temper as well to be able to serve the mankind better. Aiming excellence by providing SCIENCE FOR ALL.

Who can Participate

The conference is designed for the participants from all possible interest groups including schools, government agencies, universities, science and technology institutions, research and development organizations, learned and professional societies, etc. It may attract researchers, educators and practitioners of hands-on science movement, skill and innovation, i.e. scientists, technologists, academicians, science teachers, writers, science communicators, journalists, editors, research scholars, science students and faculty members of journalism, public relations and information officers of scientific organizations, science museums and science centres, representatives of media organizations, newspapers, magazines, science producers of radio/ TV channels, science activists from NGOs; and government officials, policy makers.

Submission of Abstract/ Paper/ Poster/ Lecture/ Workshop Proposal

Further Details

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

International Seminar on Globalization and Development

International Seminar on Globalization and Development

18-19 January 2010

Venue: Rabindra Bharati Univerity, Kolkata, India

Organized by: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), Centre for Human Development and Human Rights (CHDHR), and Rabindra Bharati University (RBU)

Call for Papers

The Reserve Bank of India Research Endowment at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), and the Centre for Human Development and Human Rights (CHDHR), Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, will jointly organize a two-day international seminar on "Globalization and Development" at the Emerald Bower Campus (56A B.T. Road, Kolkata-700 050) of Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, during 18-19 January 2010. Eminent Trade Theorist Professor Ronald W. Jones, Xerox Professor of Economics, University of Rochester, USA, Member of the National Academy of Science, USA and Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association, 2009, shall deliver a special lecture in the seminar. Apart from Professor Jones a few invited lectures will be delivered by other renowned economists working in areas related to the broad theme of the seminar.

Theoretical and applied research papers on any area related to the broad theme of the seminar are welcome. However, preference will be given to papers based on general equilibrium trade structure (including computable general equilibrium structure) for the seminar. Electronic version of the full paper, along with a small abstract, must reach the Convener, Programme Committee, through email in the form of PDF attachment (Email address: rbe-chdhr[at] by November 27, 2009, for consideration in the above-mentioned international seminar. All the submitted papers will be refereed before selection.

There is no registration fee for the seminar. Limited travel assistance may be available for accepted papers in case of outstation participants.

Further Details

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conference on Recent Trends in Patinformatics

Conference on Recent Trends in Patinformatics

9-12 December 2009

Organized by: Society for Information Science (SIS) and CSIR's Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP)

Venue: National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India

What is Patinformatics?

Patinformatics is newly emerging science, which involves analyzing set of patent data to discover relationship and trends which would be difficult to see when working with patent documents on a one-on-one basis.

A patent document is a complete disclosure of commercial, scientific and technological information. It is estimated that about 70% of the information disclosed in patents is never published anywhere else. Very often, it is also the earliest disclosure of a new technology or a new product.

A unique and valuable source of scientific and technical information, patent literature is often overlooked and underutilized by researchers and information professionals. This is understandable, given that until recently it was difficult for everyone to access patent information.

However Internet has made a paradigm shift; patent information is now readily accessible for free on the World Wide Web. Patent offices in most developed nations including new emerging economies maintain web-enabled patent databases containing millions of patent records. The European Patent Office's esp@cenet system alone has more than 50 million patent documents from approximately 70 countries, the earliest dating from the mid-19th century.

There are also very specialized value added paid databases such as Delphion, Derwent, Micropatent, Patbase, Patent Cafe, Q Pat etc., which are available for patent document retrieval. The semantic patent search technology has revolutionized patent research.

Patinformatics Tools

Patent analysis results can be displayed by visual representation using bar graphs, polygonal line graphs, pie charts, radar charts and other charts/graphs, which are called Patent Maps. The various tools useful to generate patent maps are Vantage Point, Aureka ThemeScape, Crystal Xelcious, STNAnaVist, etc.

There is now integration of Latent Semantic Analysis / advanced linguistics patent search technology, portfolio management software, online patent analytics, international patent database into a Decision Support System (DSS) class of enterprise software applications.

Patinformatics Applications

Patent information is more than just technological or legal information. Some of the practical applications of patent information include: Management of Research and Development (R&D), A Tool for Creative Thinking, Competitor Monitoring, Technology Assessment, New Venture Evaluation, Input for Licensing Strategy, Supporting Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Human Resource Management. In today's complex knowledge-driven economy, effective use of patent information while developing and introducing a new product may determine the success or failure of the product and, in turn, the success or failure of the company itself.


The advent of Internet and availability of patent databases, software and analytical tools has created more opportunities in the area of patent search, analysis and other value added services. India has become an attractive destination for patent related services because of availability of technical human resource and cost effectiveness.

This calls for appropriate human resource development and up gradation of skills of existing information professionals.

Call for Papers
Realizing the importance of this newly emerging area, Society for Information Science (SIS) in collaboration with CSIR's Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP) is conducting a four day Conference on "Recent trends in Patinformatics" from 9-12 Dec.2009. In addition, database and software vendors will conduct training programmes for the benefit of members.

Papers are invited from information and R&D professionals on various aspects of patinformatics such as new patent databases, software solutions, analytical case studies, reviews and discussion papers.

Who should attend?

  • Scientists, Patent Analysts, Researchers, Technical Managers, Information Science Professionals, IP Professionals and R&D Managers.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: 15th September 2009
  • Acceptance of abstracts: 30th September 2009
  • Submission of full Paper: 30th October 2009

Event Details

  • 9 December 2009: Training Sessions / Evening: Inaugural function and dinner
  • 10-11 December 2009: Technical Sessions
  • 12 December 2009: Training Sessions / Sight Seeing

Registration Fees

  • SIS Members : Rs.1,500
  • Non-Members : Rs. 2,000 (Academia/Research)/ Rs. 3,000 (Industry)
  • Students: Rs. 500 (limited seats)
  • Foreign delegates: USD 100

Delegates (including speakers and vendors) must register before 15th October 2009.

Conference Secretariat

Mrs. R. Jansi
URDIP, "Jopasana", 85/1, Paud Road, Kothrud Pune 411 038, INDIA
Email:; Tel: +91-20-25382296 (Extn: 225)

Further Details

Monday, September 7, 2009

National Conference on Indigenous Technology, Livelihood Options and Habitat Utilization

National Conference on Indigenous Technology, Livelihood Options and Habitat Utilization: Concepts and Perspectives of Development

23-24 November 2009

Organized by North East Center for Research and Development (NECRD), Guwahati, Assam, a research centre of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Conference Themes

  • Development and Post-Development-Issues, Paradigms and Challenges
  • Perspectives on Sustainability- Indigenous Technology and Indigenous Knowledge, Livelihood Options, Habitat utilization etc
  • "The New Industrial Revolution"- Waste Management, Renewable Sources of Energy, Transportation and Locomotive substitution
  • Perspectives of differential Social Categories: Redistribution, Equity and Social justice
  • Resource Mapping of North East India, Case Studies and New initiatives
    Sustainability and North-East India- Balancing environment, society and economy

Call for Papers

The participants for the conference are invited to submit abstract of about 500 words in both soft and hard form with full postal address and contact number by 30th September, 2009. The abstract can also be sent through e-mail to sujata[at], rtanecrd[at], dekasimanta[at] The participants whose abstracts get selected will be notified to submit their full papers (not more than 5000 words) by 15th October, 2009.

Last date of submission of final full length paper is on 1st November 2009. Abstract of all papers accepted for presentation will be published in the conference souvenir and presented papers in an edited volume.

Travel support and accommodation will be provided to paper presenters.

Further Details

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

International Conference on Environmental Issues in Emerging and Advanced Economies

International Conference on Environmental Issues in Emerging and Advanced Economies: Canada, India
6-8 December 2009
Organized Jointly by Department of Chemistry & James Reaney Canadian Centre, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Under Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada Through Shastri Indo Canadian Institute Ottawa/New Delhi

Call for Papers
Twenty-first century is unprecedented in human history as there are three transitions that are taking place simultaneously in the fields of demography, economy and environment. The proposed conference attempts to probe them through the experiences of Canada, an advanced economy with low stress on demography but high stress on environment through global warming and Arctic shrinkages; and India, an emerging economy with high stress on demography but low stress on environmental issues, mainly because of the emerging Service Sector that constitutes more than 52% of Indian economy.
While the fast paced development of emerging economies in its wake brings a number of problems and environmental issues like global warming, glacial Arctic shrinkage, reduction of Green house gasses, environmental pollution through Kyoto Protocols and other international treaties and interventions, that the advanced economies like Canada have the experience of tackling (though mostly to their advantage), there are many other issues that need to be addressed and tackled so that the emerging economies exploit their full potentials for the benefit of their people. However, with the integration of the world economic system and creation of a unipolar political world order resulting in the interdependence of the emerging and the advanced economies for their growth and sustenance have catapulted the environmental issues centre stage. The conference therefore proposes to discuss these issues related to environment, from the perspectives of science and technology, social sciences, live sciences, philosophy, ethics, law, commerce, trade and liberal arts, among others, so as to build bridges of understanding between India and Canada to benefit mutually.
The conference will consist of invited lectures and presentations by eminent persons and researchers from various Academic and Research Institutes across the country. The concluding session will have a panel discussion followed by summarization of various deliberations. Broad areas to be covered in the conference are listed in the following sections:
(A) Economic Development and its impact on global warming
(B) Global warming - challenges
(C) Environmental pollution and its impact on human health
(D) Environmental issues and its legal aspects
(E) The social issues
(F) Space technology and disaster management
(G) Role of literature and performing arts in bringing the awareness on the environmental problems
(H) Philosophy, Ethics and Politics of Environmentalisms
Submission of Abstract
Participants are requested to send an abstract not exceeding 250 words mentioning thesection of their choice (Section A-H) to Director, International Conference by 5 November 2009 by email: iceiguj[at]

Conference on Education, State and Globalisation

UGC-SAP Conference on "Education, State and Globalisation: Issues and Challenges"
4-6 February 2010
Organized by Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad
Venue: University of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

Some of the themes proposed for the conference are as following:
  • Conceptual issues in State, Society and Globalisation
  • Globalization and its impact on the educational systems
  • Imperatives of privatisation in the educational sector
  • Transformation in curricular and pedagogical processes
  • Educational governance and societal responses
  • Educational changes and their impact on the social, religious and cultural realms
  • Questions of Equality and Access in Education
  • Education and social change in a comparative perspective.
Call for Papers
Few eminent sociologists and social scientists from India and other countries will be invited to contribute papers for the Conference. Besides, we welcome proposals for 20-25-minute presentations. You may send your Abstract (300 words), together with your contact details to the seminar Coordinator, before 15 October 2009. The invitees will be notified by 1 November 2009. The final papers are expected to reach by 1 January 2010.

Accommodation and Travel
We shall have pleasure of extending local hospitality during your stay at the university campus. Travel support will be extended to the authors of the accepted papers subjected to the availability of funds.

Address for correspondence
Dr. G. Nagaraju
Seminar Coordinator,
Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad-500046, Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone- +91-9949314204
Email: ngss[at], nagarajuhcu[at]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

IBM Center Call for Research Report Proposals 2009-2010

IBM Center Call for Research Report Proposals 2009 - 2010

Offered by IBM Center for The Business of Government

Over the past 10 years, the IBM Center for The Business of Government has awarded more than 300 scholars with stipends to produce research reports on improving the effectiveness of government, resulting in more than 225 published reports and books. Since 1998, academics from across the world have competed to prepare insightful and practical research reports and case studies to assist public sector executives at all levels of government to more effectively respond to their mission and management challenges.

The aim of the IBM Center is to tap into the best minds in academe and the nonprofit sector who can use rigorous public management research and analysis to produce reports with practical advice and insight for public sector executives and managers to improve the effectiveness of government. We are looking for very practical findings and recommendations - not just theory or concepts - in order to assist executives and managers to more effectively respond to mission and management challenges.

Description of Stipends

Individuals receiving a stipend should produce a 30 to 40-page report. The manuscript should be submitted no later than six months after the start of the project. Recipients will select the start and end dates. The report should be written for government executives and managers, providing them practical knowledge and insight.

Eligibility: Individuals working in universities, nonprofit organizations, or journalism.

Size of Stipends: $20,000 for each report

Deadlines: There are two funding cycles, with deadlines of:

  • October 1, 2009
  • March 1, 2010

The Center is pleased to solicit research proposals based on the following six themes:

  • Performance improvement and analysis
  • Implementation of the Recovery Act
  • Workforce transformation
  • Collaboration and management across boundaries
  • Contracting and acquisition, and
  • Transparency and participatory democracy using technology.

Within each of these areas, Center is particularly interested in proposals that address:

  • Federal finance, budget and the economy
  • Healthcare
  • Energy & environment
  • Cybersecurity

Center looks forward to receiving proposals in response to this announcement and to continue working with the world’s leading researchers. Since the creation of the IBM Center, it has been our goal to document and better understand the transformation activities being undertaken by innovative government leaders across the world. It is an exciting time to witness the continued transformation of government.

Call for Papers on ICT Innovations: The EuroIndia ICT Cooperation Conference 2009

Call for Papers on ICT Innovations: The EuroIndia ICT Cooperation Conference 2009

10-11 December 2009 - New Delhi, India

Supported by the European Commission and hosted by International Management Institute (IMI), New Delhi, India


After having spent approximately two years fulfilling the objectives of the Euro-India ICT Innovation Mapping project, The Euro-India ICT-Cooperation consortium is preparing for the final conference where we aim to share our findings and insights on Indian ICT innovative story with industry, academia and government. We have divided the conference into three sections.

Section A, will encapsulate events that will aim to share our finding on the past two years of our innovation mapping study. We will share with the audience our understanding of India's innovative potential and collaborative capacity. Section B will be dedicated to presentation of international academic papers on ICT innovation specifically between Europe & India and including emerging economies at large. This section includes a Call For Papers with proposed topics. This section will offer an opportunity to explore the EuroIndia ICT Knowledge mapping findings in contrast with other geographical regions and / or domains. Section C, will be a dedicated exhibition where some of the innovative Indian companies, involved in the EuroIndia knowledge mapping, will display their innovations to the audience.

With such a structure, we aim to achieve three goals; we want to present and discuss findings and trends on ICT innovations in India in an international perspective. Second, we will provide a platform to Indian and international academics studying ICT innovation from different perspectives to discuss their research results and third we will provide a venue for companies to show some of their innovative accomplishments.

Call for Papers

If we consider ICT to be a new set of technologies then we could conjecture that whatever happens in the ICT sector in terms of product, process or service delivery is innovation. There is some truth to this statement only if we still consider ICT only as a new and emerging industry.

This conference seeks to move the debate and research to addressing ICT innovation from a perspective assuming not only newness but also maturity. In which case everything that comes out of this industry cannot be assumed as innovative at first instance, in our conceptualization ICT innovation is not automatic, meaning everything done in this industry is not innovation, instead innovation in ICT needs be as unique as any other technology requiring a persistent effort in understanding how innovation takes shape, in order to be able to manage for maximum benefit to the innovating entity and the recipients or users of the innovation.

We need a nuanced understanding of ICT innovation that combines knowledge sharing, transfer and capture issues, with ideas linked to the sustenance and management of innovation, with alliance building, and with domain as well as technology perspectives. The nuanced understanding of ICT innovation requires a broad as well as an in-depth understanding of how technologies, domains, social systems, cultures organizations and management combine resources and skills to persist in ensuring sustainable innovation in emerging economies.

What are the specific challenges that innovators face in these economies, what are the mitigating factors that needs to be considered to help innovators in emerging economies? How innovation takes shape in emerging economies and how is it different, if at all, and does the institutional and resource constraint provide opportunities for innovators to ply their trade or do they hinder innovators in the ICT sectors? These are some of the issues that we invite for discussion.In particular the papers should focus on ICT innovation with an aim to explore and develop both a theoretical frameworks, embedded in empirical contexts for ICT innovation.

The indicative areas we seek contributions to, though not comprehensive are:

  • Innovation processes, including creativity, knowledge capture, transfer and sharing;
  • Social, cultural and policy effects on innovation and its institutional logics;
  • Financial issues, venture capital role in evaluating ideas and its impact on ICT innovation;
  • Political issues, regional, national and international in ICT innovations;
  • Innovation management, frameworks for capturing ideas, idea utilization and problem framing techniques;
  • Organizational design for innovation; networked firms, alliances, mergers, joint ventures, R&D Labs, standardisation bodies, etc.
  • Managing disruptive innovations, distributed innovation, co-creation, open innovation;
  • Cases of innovative ICT applications in business, government and civil society, including e-health, e-government, ICT innovations in transport and logistics, e-education, training and development;
  • Limitations and problems to innovation specifically between Europe & India and including emerging economies at large;
  • ICT innovations for development in emerging economies;Global and national systems of innovations.

Abstracts submission: The abstracts will be accepted till 10th September 2009 at

Further Details: Call for Paper