Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Principles for Scientific Publishing | supported by the International Science Council (ISC)

Principles for Scientific Publishing

I. There should be universal open access to the record of science, both for authors and readers.

II. Scientific publications should carry open licences that allow reuse and text and data mining.

III. Rigorous and ongoing peer review is essential to the integrity of the record of science.

IV. The data/observations underlying a published truth claim should be concurrently published.

V. The record of science should be maintained to ensure open access by future generations.

VI. Publication traditions of different disciplines should be respected.

VII. Systems should adapt to new opportunities rather than embedding inflexible infrastructures.

These principles have received strong support from the international scientific community as represented by the membership of the International Science Council (ISC).

 Download the Principles for Scientific Publishing and Their Rationales

Further Details

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