Tuesday, September 21, 2021

CfPs: International e-Conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector | 12 October

International e-Conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector 
12 October 2021

The Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence (VKCoE), IRMA and IRMA Water Centre is organizing an international e-conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector (on the virtual platform) on 12 October 2021. To encourage the young and budding researchers working in this area for enhancing water use efficiency in this sector (both milk production & processing Industries), we have organized a competition for research  Papers and posters presentation. The last date for submitting the abstract has now been extended to 5th October 2021. The Conference brochure is attached herewith. You may circulate among the budding researchers for participation in the competition and participate in the International e-conference.Advance registration is mandatory for participation. Kindly refer to the conference brochure for further details.

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