Sunday, July 25, 2021

STS MIGTEC Writing & Reading Retreat 2021: Sep 6-10

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite interested scholars to an academic skills training at the intersection of science and technology studies and critical migration, border and security studies: namely to the 1st STS MIGTEC Writing and Reading Retreat, which will take place online from September 6-10. The deadline for application has been extended to the 31st of July. For further information see the detailed call as well as the flyers for the Retreat and the STS-MIGTEC Reading Club attached, which will be launched during the Retreat and continues in a monthly format. You can also take a look here: 

The 5 days-course aims to reflect and contribute to a critical understanding of current developments, shifts and transformations of migration and border control heavily shaped by the development, implementation, and usage of technologies and socio-material infrastructures. The STS MIGTEC Writing and Reading Retreat targets PhD students, early career and overall interested researchers from all academic backgrounds. It seeks to bring researchers from different disciplines and around the world together and to initiate scientific exchange to produce synergies for relevant knowledge production.

The STS MIGTEC Writing and Reading Retreat will cover themes like: border technologies, race and colonial/imperial power; border technologies and the (un)making of (un)knowledge; digital technologies, resistance and the mobile commons; migration control infrastructures and alternative infrastructures of resistance; migration control, technopolitics of public infrastructures, and (lacking) existential provisions and human rights.

Best regards & thanks,

STS MIGTEC Retreat organizing team:

Vasiliki Makrygianni, Silvan Pollozek, Olga Usachova, Ana Visan, Nina Amelung & Maria Ullrich

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