Wednesday, July 21, 2021

[apeid.higher_education.bgk] Participate in the public consultation on the Futures of Higher Education

Dear Colleagues,


Together with support of the Future of Learning and Innovation Team in Paris and UNESCO-IESALC, we are pleased to share news about an exciting public consultation on the Future of Higher Education. Please take a look below and join us to disseminate further!


Warm regards and thank you!


Wes Teter






As part of UNESCO IESALC’s project on the Futures of Higher Education, we invite you to participate and tell us your views about the futures of higher education. 


To have your say, complete our short survey in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. You’ll be asked for some basic information about yourself and then you’ll have your chance to answer the two key questions we’re tackling in this project: How would you like higher education to be in 2050? How could higher education contribute to better futures for all in 2050?


The results of this public consultation will feed into a major new report to be published later in 2021. Your views will also feed into the larger data gathering process for UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative. Your valuable contribution will help shape the way that we think about and plan for higher education into the next thirty years. So don’t delay, tell us your hopes, concerns, ideas and suggestions today!



If you experience any difficulty accessing the survey, please contact the Futures of Higher Education coordinator, Emma Sabzalieva at



Caracas, Venezuela









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Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development

Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

UNESCO Bangkok


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