Tuesday, February 18, 2020

CfPs: National Conference on Role of Women in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (STREE2020) | 5-6 April at JNU, New Delhi

Call for Papers 
National Conference on Role of Women in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (STREE2020)
5–6 April 2020 | Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Conference Objective
  • To bring the scientists, entrepreneurs, academicians, NGOs, SHGs on the same platform to share their experiences, suggestions, opinions and vision.
  • To formulate a road-map for time bound achievement of goal of sustainable development.
  • To further increase the participation of women in achieving sustainable development goals by extending the outreach to women in general through development of scientific temper.
  • To bring forth and render due credit to the efforts and innovations made by women in India across all the fields those were hitherto hidden or remained unnoticed but can bring about great change in the manner sustainable development is perceived by the world.
  • To showcase the glorious history of Indian culture which having been led by women has the ethos of sustainable development at the very core of its heart.
  • To encourage dissemination of scientific innovations and technologies by women scientists.
  • To promote more community participation for the development of society with the intervention of science and technology.
  • To increase interaction and promote networking and exchange between women scientists, women activists and women entrepreneurs from across the country.
  • To increase understanding of the role of science and technology in supporting women's critical role in sustainable development.

Guidelines for paper & poster presentation
Abstract of the oral/poster presentation should cover one of the themes in English with following Guidelines:
  • The abstract should be in Ms word of A4 size paper not exceeding 200 words typed in Times New Roman font size. 12 point with double spacing. It should have the margin of 1.5″ on the left side and the margin of 1″ on the other three sides.
  • Title of the paper in upper case centered and bold with font size 14 points.
  • Author(s) Name and Affiliation (s), centered with font size 11 points. Authors addressed 10 points italics.
  • The abstract should be sent online to the convenor latest by 28 February 2020.
  • Email for Abstract submission: abstract.stree2020@gmail.com.
  • Intimation of accepted Abstracts for Oral presentation or Poster presentation will be intimated by 2 March 2020.
  • Authors are requested to send the abstracts and full paper not more than 2000 words in word format to the convenor. It will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and Abstract of selected papers on each theme will be published in Souvenir.
  • Selected Abstracts will be published in Souvenir Cum Abstract Book.

Important Dates
  • Last date of Abstract Submission: 28 February 2020
  • Intimation of Accepted Abstract will be by: 02 March 2020
  • Last date for Registration: 05 March 2020
  • Last date for Submission of Full Papers of Accepted Abstracts for Paper or Poster: 15 March 2020

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