Wednesday, February 19, 2020

CfPs: AJSTID Special Issue on "Catching–Up Along the Global Value Chain: Models, Determinants and Policy Implications in The Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development (AJSTID)
Call for Papers for the Special Issue on "Catching–Up Along the Global Value Chain: Models, Determinants and Policy Implications in The Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

The CatChain research project is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 to investigate the development of Catching-up process both from the developed as well as developing countries' perspective at the country, sector and firm level. The project is coordinated by ICRIOS in Bocconi University with global partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe with countries such as Greece, the Netherlands, Estonia, France, Spain, Brazil, India, Costa Rica, Malaysia, South Africa and Republic of Korea.
The research is organised through the exchange of scholars among the developed and developing parts of the globe. Scholars are exchanged to share their research experience among the partners. This multidisciplinary approach allows the project to have a strong focus on the delivery of high quality research output by undertaking both primary and secondary data analyses by using rigorous scientific methodologies.
The scholars that have participated in the secondment have to generate research output; and the publications of their work both in journals and books are expected to be delivered. The African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development (AJSTID) calls both those who joined the secondment of the EU-Horizon 2020 Cat/Chain GVC and other scholars to submit research papers for peer review of the first special issue that includes the presentations that have been made in the first cat/chain GVC Research Seminar on January 29, 2020 with the TUT-FMS.

Objectives and scope of the special issue :
The general objective of the special issue is focusing on specific issues in bridging catching-up approach with the GVCs literature, to provide a strong scientific answer as to preparedness of a country to enter into the global market. The focus is on, but not limited to: what are the roles that entry, learning, and upgrading strategies interconnected with different Business Models play in fostering the process of catching-up; how can building innovation capabilities contribute to sustainable industrialization; what opportunities and challenges exist, and what type of policy frameworks need to be in place, and what interventions are required; what value chain approach can be adopted to give attention to opportunities and challenges of SMEs in the global economy; how can the fourth industrial revolution change the GVCs; how can countries and firms take advantage of engaging with GVC in building effective  sustainable  innovation system at global, regional, national, sectoral, technology  levels?   

The thematic areas include:
  • Catch-up along the value chain through country specific case studies at firm and sectoral level towards infrastructure and sustainable social-eco-system development
  • Design and implementation of innovation policies for industrial development
  • Micro-level performance of domestic producers and services (import and export handling)
  • Policy framework that facilitates entries and supports SMEs towards inclusive and sustainable industrialisation for catching-up in the Global Value chain.
  • Building effective sustainable innovation systems at different levels and identifying the factual policies in order to prepare tomorrow's workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Submission guidelines:
We would like to invite you to submit a full manuscript to be considered for publication in the Special issue of 'Catching–Up along the Global Value Chain'. Submission of a full manuscript does not indicate automatic acceptance for the present special Issue.
1. In order to submit, authors should read carefully the journal instructions and requirements in terms of length, reference style etc.
2. All full manuscripts to be considered for the special issue must be submitted through the online submission system at the website of African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development (AJSTID) published by Taylor and Francis. During the submission process, authors must indicate that the manuscript is intended for this Special Issue, by selecting: "Catching–Up along the Global Value Chain: Models, Determinants and Policy Implications in The Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution".
3. All manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer review and inclusion in the Special Issue will be determined on a final acceptance decision by the Editor of African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development, on the basis of peer reviews and recommendations made by the Guest Editors.
4. Successful papers will go through the production process and be assigned a DOI and uploaded online to the website of African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development.
Important dates:
  •  1st March 2020 : Full Manuscript submission will be open
  •  31st August 2020 : Submission deadline for full manuscript.
  •  July 2021 : Expected publication date
Editorial Advisors:
  • Prof. Mammo Muchie (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa),
  • Prof. Franco Malerba (Bocconi University, Italy)
  • Dr. Roberto Mavilia (Bocconi University, Italy)
  • Dr. Yemisi Abisuga (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
  • Dr. Thokozani Simelane (Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria)

Handling Editors:
  • Prof. Mammo Muchie, (e-mail: mammo.muchie2019[@]
  • Dr. Angathevar Baskaran (email: anga_bas[@]
  • Dr. Swapan Kumar Patra (e-mail: skpatra[@]
  • Dr. Emmanuel Ojo (email: Emmanuel.Ojo[@]

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