Wednesday, November 6, 2019

CSIR- NISTADS Invited Talk "Measuring andCharacterizing Indian Scientific Research: New Dimensions" by Dr Vivek Singh, BHU | on 11th November

CSIR- NISTADS Invited Talk


A Talk by Dr Vivek Singh, Professor of Computer Science and Director, Computer Centre at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.


Title:  Measuring and Characterizing Indian Scientific Research: New Dimensions

Date and Time:   11th November, 2019; 4.00 PM

Venue: NISTADS Conference Hall


Abstract: The talk will attempt to address quantitative pursuits in Indian Science, addressing several traditional issues like India's research output, global share and rank, disciplinary distribution of research output and international collaboration patterns. The main emphasis will be on quantitative methods and how they can be used to draw inferences useful for science policy. The talk will include discussion on issues of gender and research publishing as well as open access levels and patterns in Indian research. The University-Industry-Government collaboration in research would also be looked into. The talk will also discuss on a very important and emerging issue of social media attention of Indian research output, including characterizing the type of research output that gets significant attention in different social media and news platforms.


About the Speaker: Dr Vivek Singh is Professor of Computer Science and Director, Computer Centre at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. His primary research interests are in Information Systems, Text Analytics and Scientometrics. He has rich volume of scholarly work. He has worked on several research projects, including those involving international collaboration with Germany, Mexico and Brazil. He is on the review board of many top-tier SCIE indexed journals, including Scientometrics, Information Processing and Management and several IEEE Transactions. He is one of the Editors of The Journal of Scientometric Research, a Life member of ISSI and Computer Society of India and Senior Member of IEEE & ACM.


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