Sunday, November 10, 2019

CSH Workshop on Digital Empire(s): Perspectives from Asia and Africa | 4 December, New Delhi

Workshop on Digital Empire(s): Perspectives from Asia and Africa
Date: Wednesday, 4th December 2019
Venue: CSH Conference Room, New Delhi

9.00 : Welcome note by Nicolas Gravel (CSH) & Mathieu Quet (CEPED- IRD)
9.15 to 13.15 : Session 1 on Digital Empire(s)
- On technological empire as an analytical tool (Mathieu Quet, CEPED-IRD).
- Skeletal and elephantine bureaucracies in Africa and India : comparing histories of registration and their effects on digital infrastructures. (Keith Breckenridge, Wiser)
- From Ghana to India, saving the global south's mothers with a digital empire (Marine Al Dahdah, Cems-CNRS).
- Digital and Visual Populism: Personalised Politics and Online Publics in the PostColony (Krishanu Bhargav Neog, CPS-JNU)
- Feedback Loops and (In)Significant Voices: Social Interactions with ID Systems of Digital Empires in South Asia and East Africa- (Rajiv Mishra, CSSP-JNU)
- Netflix, Amazon Video and Jio Cinema : Reflection on the notion of digital empires through the prism of audiovisual platforms (Christine Ithurbide, LabSIC-Paris13)
- Colonializing the nation through digital technology (Ursula Rao, Leipzig University)
14.00 to 18.30 : Session 2 on Digital Empire(s)
- The invention of the electoral biometrics market in Africa (Marielle Debos, Univ. Paris Nanterre)
- Tracing digital governance and the history of ICTD developments in India. (Khetrimayum Monish Singh, CIS).
- Marketizing water in Kenya: From "dependency syndrome" towards a radiant future? (Christiane Tristl, Goethe Universitat)
- Calibrating digital payments in India (Javed Alam, JNU-Univ. of Paris)
- Digital Empire as Biometric Labor Division. Notes for a regressive anthropology of technology from the Senegalese electoral administration (Cecilia Passanti, University of Paris)
- The Rise of the Invisible Publics: Reality TV as Visibility Infrastructures in Northeast India (Sagorika Singha,SAA-JNU)
- Digitalization of social security in Nepal (Sohan Sha, Martin Chautari)
- The digital in communicating peace and conflict in the Sahel (Mirjam de Bruijn, Leiden University)
RSVP mentioning your full name to: neeru.gohar[@] Due to security protocols, we request you to please pre-register over email and kindly carry an ID proof to be granted access to the venue.

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