Thursday, July 4, 2019

Swayam e-Course on "Managing Innovation" begins on 15 July 2019

Swayam e-Course on "Managing Innovation"   
By Rishikesha T Krishnan and Vinay Dabholkar | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | Begins on 15 July 2019
Do you feel innovation activity in your organization is ad-hoc? Are you looking for a systematic approach through which innovation capacity can be enhanced in your organization? This course will show you how you can build an innovation pipeline, improve idea velocity and enhance business impact through an 8-steps approach. Moreover, we will also explore ways of sustaining participation in innovation activity. What you'll learn? What is innovation? Why innovate? Jugaad vs systematic innovation: The eight steps.
Course Layout 
Week 1: Introduction. Understanding the Concept of Innovation and its Importance; Types of Innovation; Innovation in Organization;
Week 2: Lay the Foundation and Create a Challenge Book. Step one: Lay the Foundation; Create a Challenge Book; Let's Discuss Step One and Two; The Innovation Activity; Conclusion
Week 3: Build Participation and Experiment with Low-cost at High-speed. Choosing the Right "Role Model"; Ways to Motivate Innovation Activity in Organization; Role of Catalyst in Building Participation in Innovation Process; How to Overcome Velocity Problem? Failure Fallacy; Encouraging Experimentation; Prototyping, Conclusion.
Week 4: Go Fast from Prototyping to Incubation and Iterate on The Business Model. Being a Champion; Iterating on Business Model; Design of a Pitch; Business Model Metaphors; Conclusion.
Week 5: Build an Innovation Sandbox and Create a Margin of Safety. Ways to Enhance the Batting Average Problem; Sand box, Platform and Open Source Approach; Intellectual Property Protection; Risk Management; Big Bets Risks; Where Do We Stand; Conclusion; Case Study Discussion.

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Innovation, Business Models and Entrepreneurship"
By Prof Rajat Agrawal and Prof Vinay Sharma | IIT Roorkee | 26 Aug to 18 Oct 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course.
Course Layout
Week 1: Analyzing the Current Business Scenario, Innovation and Creativity- An Introduction, Innovation in Current Environment, Types of Innovation, School of Innovation.
Week 2: Challenges of Innovation, Steps of Innovation Management, Idea Management System, Divergent V/s Convergent Thinking, Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship
Week 3: Experimentation in Innovation Management, Idea Championship,Participation for Innovation, Co-creation for Innovation, Prototyping to Incubation.
Week 4: What is a Business Model,Who is an Entrepreneur,Social Entrepreneurship,Blue Ocean Strategy-I, Blue Ocean Strategy-II
Week 5: Marketing of Innovation, Technology Innovation Process, Technological Innovation Management Planning, Technological Innovation Management Strategies, Technology Forecasting.
Week 6: Sustainability Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Sustainable Conditions,Innovation: Context and Pattern, SME'S strategic involvement in sustainable development,Exploration of business models for material efficiency services 
Week 7: Management of Innovation, creation of IPR, Management of Innovation, creation of IPR,Types of IPR,Patents and Copyrights, Patents in India
Week 8: Business Models and value proposition, Business Model Failure: Reasons and Remedies, Incubators: Business Vs Technology, Managing Investor for Innovation, Future markets and Innovation needs for India.

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Water, Society and Sustainability"
By Prof. Jenia Mukherjee | IIT Kharagpur | 26 August to 20 September 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: 1. Setting the Context
 2. Beyond Hydrology
 3. Socio Hydrology
 4. Political Ecology of Water
 5. Hydrosocial
Week 2: 6.Critical Physical Geography
 7. The South Asian Context
 8. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 1
 9. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 2
 10. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 3
Week 3: 11.Water Technology in Medieval India 1
 12. Water Technology in Medieval India 2
 13. 'Colonial Hydrology'
 14. Dams and Development in Contemporary India
 15. The Farakka Barrage Project: Historical and Technical Details
Week 4: 16.The Farakka Barrage Project: Socio-environmental Implications
 17.Urban Waters: Historical and Political Ecological Perspectives
 18.Transforming Trajectories of Blue Infrastructures of Kolkata
 19. Peri-urban Water Justice in the Global South
 20.Discussion and Conclusion

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "The Ethical Corporation
By Prof Chhanda Chakraborti | IIT Kharagpur | 29 July to 20 September 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: Ethical corporation: What, why, and how? 
Week 2: Action guidance: Principles of Normative Ethical theories. Foundations of new global paradigms, citizenship culture, stakeholder engagement
Week 3: Managing ethics within the corporation : Formally and Informally
Week 4: Virtue of trustworthiness : Corporate Governance
Week 5: Investing in human relationships: Employees
Week 6: The responsible corporation: Natural Environment 
Week 7: The involved, conversational corporation: Consumers and larger society
Week 8: Ethical Competition, and keeping Supply Chain clean and clear

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City"
By Dr Brajesh Kr. Dubey | IIT Kharagpur | 29 July to 18 Oct 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: Introduction to Solid Waste Management
Week 2: Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Quantities 
Week 3: MSW Rules 2016, Swachh Bharat Mission and Smart Cities Program
Week 4: Municipal Solid Waste Collection, Transportation, Segregation and Processing
Week 5: Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste: Landfill 
Week 6: Biochemical Processes and Composting
Week 7: Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste 
Week 8: Current Issues in Solid Waste Management and Review of MSW Management Status in First List of 20 Smart Cities in the Country
Week 9: Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management - Overview
Week 10: C&D Waste – Regulation, Beneficial Reuse of C&D Waste Materials
Week 11: Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Management – Issues and Status in India and Globally
Week 12: E-Waste Management Rules 2016 and Management Challenges

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