Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Enrollment started in NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Knowledge Management" & Other NPTEL Courses

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Innovation, Business Models and Entrepreneurship"
By Prof Rajat Agrawal and Prof Vinay Sharma | IIT Roorkee | 26 Aug to 18 Oct 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course.
Course Layout
Week 1: Analyzing the Current Business Scenario, Innovation and Creativity- An Introduction, Innovation in Current Environment, Types of Innovation, School of Innovation.
Week 2: Challenges of Innovation, Steps of Innovation Management, Idea Management System, Divergent V/s Convergent Thinking, Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship
Week 3: Experimentation in Innovation Management, Idea Championship,Participation for Innovation, Co-creation for Innovation, Prototyping to Incubation.
Week 4: What is a Business Model,Who is an Entrepreneur,Social Entrepreneurship,Blue Ocean Strategy-I, Blue Ocean Strategy-II
Week 5: Marketing of Innovation, Technology Innovation Process, Technological Innovation Management Planning, Technological Innovation Management Strategies, Technology Forecasting.
Week 6: Sustainability Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Sustainable Conditions,Innovation: Context and Pattern, SME'S strategic involvement in sustainable development,Exploration of business models for material efficiency services
Week 7: Management of Innovation, creation of IPR, Management of Innovation, creation of IPR,Types of IPR,Patents and Copyrights, Patents in India
Week 8: Business Models and value proposition, Business Model Failure: Reasons and Remedies, Incubators: Business Vs Technology, Managing Investor for Innovation, Future markets and Innovation needs for India.

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Knowledge Management"
By Prof. Kailash B L Srivastava | IIT Kharagpur | 29 July to 20 September 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: Introducing the concept of KM: Why KM, KM system life cycle, and aligning KM and business strategy
Week 2: KM Cycle: Knowledge creation, capturing tacit knowledge, Types of knowledge and its implications for KM
Week 3: Knowledge codification and system development: codification, system testing and deployment, Knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing- the role of culture and structure
Week 4: KM system: Analysis design and development: Knowledge infrastructure, Knowledge audit, and knowledge team
Week 5: KM system: Analysis design and development: Analysis, design and development of KM system
Week 6: KM tools and Portals: inferences from data, data mining and knowledge portals
Week 7: Evaluation of KM effectiveness: Tools and metrics, Ethical, legal and managerial issues
Week 8: KM experiences form Indian companies, KM innovation and Learning organization, The future of KM
NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Social Networks"
By Dr. Poonam Saini & Prof. Sudarshan Iyengar | Punjab Engineering College & IIT Ropar | 29 July to 18 Oct 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week1: Introduction
Week 2: Handling Real-world Network Datasets
Week 3: Strength of Weak Ties
Week 4: Strong and Weak Relationships (Continued) & Homophily
Week 5: Homophily Continued and +Ve / -Ve Relationships
Week 6: Link Analysis
Week 7: Cascading Behaviour in Networks
Week 8: Link Analysis (Continued)
Week 9: Power Laws and Rich-Get-Richer Phenomena
Week 10: Power law (contd..) and Epidemics
Week 11: Small World Phenomenon
Week 12: Pseudocore (How to go viral on web)

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Water, Society and Sustainability"
By Prof. Jenia Mukherjee | IIT Kharagpur | 26 August to 20 September 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: 1. Setting the Context
 2. Beyond Hydrology
 3. Socio Hydrology
 4. Political Ecology of Water
 5. Hydrosocial
Week 2: 6.Critical Physical Geography
 7. The South Asian Context
 8. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 1
 9. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 2
 10. Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 3
Week 3: 11.Water Technology in Medieval India 1
 12. Water Technology in Medieval India 2
 13. 'Colonial Hydrology'
 14. Dams and Development in Contemporary India
 15. The Farakka Barrage Project: Historical and Technical Details
Week 4: 16.The Farakka Barrage Project: Socio-environmental Implications
 17.Urban Waters: Historical and Political Ecological Perspectives
 18.Transforming Trajectories of Blue Infrastructures of Kolkata
 19. Peri-urban Water Justice in the Global South
 20.Discussion and Conclusion

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "The Ethical Corporation
By Prof Chhanda Chakraborti | IIT Kharagpur | 29 July to 20 September 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: Ethical corporation: What, why, and how?
Week 2: Action guidance: Principles of Normative Ethical theories. Foundations of new global paradigms, citizenship culture, stakeholder engagement
Week 3: Managing ethics within the corporation : Formally and Informally
Week 4: Virtue of trustworthiness : Corporate Governance
Week 5: Investing in human relationships: Employees
Week 6: The responsible corporation: Natural Environment
Week 7: The involved, conversational corporation: Consumers and larger society
Week 8: Ethical Competition, and keeping Supply Chain clean and clear

NPTEL Swayam e-Certification Course on "Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City"
By Dr Brajesh Kr. Dubey | IIT Kharagpur | 29 July to 18 Oct 2019. This is an AICTE approved FDP course
Course Layout
Week 1: Introduction to Solid Waste Management
Week 2: Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Quantities
Week 3: MSW Rules 2016, Swachh Bharat Mission and Smart Cities Program
Week 4: Municipal Solid Waste Collection, Transportation, Segregation and Processing
Week 5: Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste: Landfill
Week 6: Biochemical Processes and Composting
Week 7: Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste
Week 8: Current Issues in Solid Waste Management and Review of MSW Management Status in First List of 20 Smart Cities in the Country
Week 9: Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management - Overview
Week 10: C&D Waste – Regulation, Beneficial Reuse of C&D Waste Materials
Week 11: Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Management – Issues and Status in India and Globally
Week 12: E-Waste Management Rules 2016 and Management Challenges

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