Thursday, April 18, 2019

CfPs: 5th IndiaLICS International Conference "Innovation Systems in India: Contexts and Challenges" | 29-31 August, Ahmedabad

5th IndiaLICS International Conference 2019

Innovation Systems in India: Contexts and Challenges


August 29-31, 2019



Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India

Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India



Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India


Call for Papers & Research Proposals


Increasing realisations over perspectives and role of innovations –including but beyond the technological – in impacting economies and societies at the macro, meso and micro levels call for a serious rethink on national, regional and sectoral innovation systems in India. While no clear-cut policies on innovations exist, especially addressing local and sub-national dynamics, absence of comprehensive statistics on innovation and related aspects remains a first major roadblock. Further, innovation potential of subsectors, regions and resources (both physical and knowledge-based) has been poorly articulated as we have limited understanding of interrelationships between diverse stakeholders of science, social-economy and democracy. A common concern is over innovative governance of access and use of resources (particularly, natural) to ensure broad-basing of sustainable production, consumption and conservation.


IndiaLICS is the India chapter of Globelics, an international network of scholars who apply the concept of Learning, Innovation and Competence building System (LICS) as a framework for promoting inclusive and sustainable development in developing countries, emerging economies and societies in transition. IndiaLICS engages in and pro-actively promotes domestic and global exchange of scholarship in innovation systems and the translation of innovation to development outcomes. It organizes seminars/conferences and undertakes capacity building activities as well as research with academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs and workers. For details, please visit:


The Conference aims to be multidisciplinary in its approach by including scholars/practitioners/members from social sciences, physical/natural sciences and development/civil society organisations. Although the focus is on India lessons from other developing and developed countries shall be discussed in a comparative perspective.


Special sessions are planned for interactions of subject experts and activists with young scholars/practitioners.


Pertinent/Suggestive Themes by Broad Intersectional Categories:


National Level:

o Innovation, trade and development

o Comprehensive database and indicators of innovations

o IPRs, standards & regulations

o Foresights and futures for technology

o Skills, knowledge and learning – gaps and solutions

o Innovation activity and firm size in the context of changing technology regimes and market structures


Regional/Sub-national Level:

o Global production networks and governance of value chains

o Enterprise-academia-state-society inter-linkages

o State and STI


Sectoral/Sub-sectoral Level:

o Skills, knowledge gaps in traditional and modern sectors

o Innovations in agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries

o Informal sector and innovation (both rural and urban contexts)

o Innovation in services and business model innovation

o Innovations in social sectors (education, health and water)


Overarching Concerns:

o Science, technology and innovation links

o Climate change and protecting the environment

o Gender and innovation

o Inclusive and responsible innovation


These are indicative themes only. Papers beyond these themes shall also be considered.


Important Dates:

• Submission of Extended Abstracts or Research Proposals by May 31, 2019

• Information on Acceptance/Rejection of Abstracts/Proposals by June 7, 2019

• Submission of Full Papers by August 7, 2019


Format for Extended Abstract/Research Proposal:

The abstract/proposal (around 1000 words) must be new (neither published nor being submitted/considered for publication elsewhere) and should preferably be organised around the following subsections (a) Central Concerns (b) Methodology/Approach (c) Main Findings (d) Policy Implications (e) Originality/Value (f) Keywords (upto 5). Papers by young scholars are particularly encouraged. All submissions and enquiries have to be emailed to:


Travel and Hospitality:

Efforts are on to offer travel cost support to participants; details on that shall be conveyed to authors of papers selected. Local hospitality shall be taken care of.

Further Details

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