Saturday, April 13, 2019

Call for Applications: Globelics Academy 2019 - The 14th International PhD School on Innovation and Development

Globelics Academy 2019: The 14th International PhD School on Innovation and Development
13–22 August 2019 | Tampere University, Finland

Aim of the Globelics Academy: The aim is to support the training of PhD students from all over the world writing theses on issues related to innovation systems and development. The Academy brings together frontier researchers in innovation with PhD students from the South and the North in order to inspire and qualify their work as well as to help them to join high quality research networks in their field of research. The Globelics Academy aims at improving students' ability to undertake theoretically informed and policy-relevant empirical work on issues related with innovation in firms and societies, and its relationship with economic development. The Globelics Academy originates from and is connected to the worldwide research network Globelics ( bringing together scholars working on issues related to innovation and development.

Important dates:
Deadline for submission of applications: 5 May 2019
Letters of acceptance for students: 31 May 2019
Deadline for full papers: 14 July 2019

Call for Applications
Selection of the Participants: To qualify for participation, the PhD student should fulfill the following requirements:
  • He/she is registered at a recognized degree-granting higher education institution as a Doctoral candidate
  • He/she is at least about to begin his/her second year
  • His/her doctoral work focuses explicitly on issues related to innovation and development
  • He/she is able to present an original paper associated with his/her doctoral work.
Participants will be selected based on the Call for Applications. Selection aims at promoting diversity among participants, making sure that students from Africa, Asia and Latin America are represented, together with some students from other continents. The candidates from each geographical origin with the best CVs and the most promising extended abstracts will be selected.

Student selection will be based upon evaluation of
1) an extended abstract of four pages describing the student's thesis;
2) student's CV (max two pages); and
3) a recommendation letter from the supervisor or from another senior scholar.
Abstracts (four pages) should be typed double-spaced in English. The abstract should state the objectives, methodology and data, expected results and conclusions of the work, including supporting figures and main references. If approved, students should submit their full papers no later than 14 June 2019.
Please submit abstracts, CVs and letters of recommendation by 5 May 2019 here.

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