Sunday, March 24, 2019

New Book "Constructing a Global Technology Assessment : Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia"

Constructing a Global Technology Assessment: Insights from Australia, China, Europe, Germany, India and Russia
Edited by Julia Hahn & Miltos Ladikas, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, ISBN: 9783731508311.

Abstract: Worldwide simultaneous effects of technologies, international challenges such as climate change as well as shifting relationships between science and society call for approaches that can address these issues on a global level. This book examines the potential of Technology Assessment (TA), as an until now mainly national and Western concept, to take on this global level and provide answers to these pressing questions.

Table of Contents 
The Case for a Global Technology Assessment
Technology Assessment in Germany
European Concepts and Practices of Technology Assessment
Technology Assessment in Australia
Technology Assessment in China
Technology Assessment in India | by Poonam Pandey, PN Desai & S. Chaturvedi
Technology Assessment in Russia
Constructing a Global Technology Assessment: Its Constitution and Challenges

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