Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Call for Research Proposals under DST's Water Technology Initiative: Research, Technology and Innovation on Nexus of Water with Energy, Food, Health.

Call for Research Proposals under DST's Water Technology Initiative: Research, Technology and Innovation on Nexus of Water with Energy, Food, Health.

1. Preamble:
Water Technology Initiative is a demand oriented user-centric initiative which includes development research in laboratories as well as application research in field. The scope of initiative covers the entire value chain of R&D right from water oriented applied research, pre competitive technology development, technology based classification & assessment of technology options, pilot-demonstration of technology leads from laboratories and academic institutions to evolve a basket of technology options and mounting of technically, socially, environmentally and eventually affordable convergent solutions suited to socio-economic context.
Based on stakeholders' consultation, it is being inferred that there is a need to promote research for cross sectoral interface in the water domain. This is necessary to enhance access to water supply and services and reduce disparities among different sections and regions which calls for a multi-goal optimisation process accounting for sectoral integration of water-food-energy with health-education-equity. 

2. Objective of Call:
The objective of the call is to mobilize study, research, innovation and technology proposals to explore, understand and address nexus of water issues with the sectors e.g. energy, food, health, infrastructure etc. in the context of existing and emerging water challenges in the country especially with reference to reliable availability of water for drinking, municipal, and agricultural requirements. The scope of this call will not include sensing and treatment of industrial waste water and water use efficiency in industrial sector. The present call would support thematic lab based Research Development and Demonstration (RD&D) on Water quality sensing, analysis, treatment and management for addressing issues related to Water-food, Water-Energy, Water-Health, Water-Energy-Food-Health and other cross sectoral Nexus. The topics could include:
I. Treatment and management of Water quality for Public Health, water related disasters, cleaning the rivers etc.
II. System optimization of water supply &treatment systems for optimal water & energy use.
III. New Sensor technologies and intelligent sensor products for real time measurement of water quality and quantity in energy operations.
IV. Sustainable options for water quality such as in-situ remediation.
V. Study of transport and fate of Emerging Contaminants, PPCP and Pesticides.
VI. Sustainable water harvesting, recharge and porous cities (usability, health impacts, efficiency & safe use etc.)
VII. Sustainable Desalination Technologies.
VIII. Optimizing water quality and quantity for different usage.
The above topics are only illustrative and any other topic addressing call spirit can be considered under this call. The call would include following components: 
  • 3.1 Action Research Sustainable Integration of alternate energy sources Stream. Proposal should aim at conducting scientific study of the nexus of water issues with other sectors and the outcome should be evidence based action plan. 
  • 3.2 Applied Research Stream: Leading to establishment of Proof-of-Concept. Proposal should explore innovative ideas with a view to showcase the unique advantages of their idea over existing alternatives and to demonstrate that their innovative idea has the ability to address a significant end user need. This has to be substantiated by clear articulation on need supported by quantitative performance statement from the participating user. 
  • 3.3 Technology Stream: Leading to Lab Scale Demonstration.
  • 3.4 Solution Stream: Leading to Pilot Scale Demonstration for technology in field setting. 
Deadline/ Call Closing Date: 15th May, 2019 

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