Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CfPs: Second International Seminar on Philosophy of Education, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, 12-14 May

Second International Seminar on Philosophy of Education
Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India.
May 12-14, 2014

Call for Papers
Azim Premji University, Bangalore announces its Second International Seminar on Philosophy of Education to be organized from May 12 to May 14, 2014 in Bangalore.
The First International Seminar on Philosophy of Education in January 2013 witnessed the participation of philosophers and scholars of education from across India, Europe, and North America and presentations on a range of philosophical issues in education. The Second International Seminar on Philosophy of Education is proposed to deliberate on the following themes.

Themes of the Seminar
  • Social Justice and Education: Social justice has always been an important concern in philosophy of education. In India cultural, ethnic and religious diversity coupled with socio-economic disparities makes it especially relevant at present times when privatisation of education is on an ascending curve. This theme seeks to explore the questions pertaining to the social role of education and equality.
  • Indian Philosophical Thoughts/ Thinkers and Education: This theme seeks to establish dialogues between Indian philosophical traditions and modern concerns of philosophy of education. Such an engagement promises to enrich philosophy of education through the infusion of fresh philosophical perspectives. The dialogue could also pertain to Indian thinkers/philosophers (both ancient and modern) and their take on education. Further, the elements of Philosophy of Education could be explored in the traditions of Indian Philosophy.
  • Nature of Educational Studies : Curricular and Pedagogic Issues: Many universities in India now are offering Master of Arts in Education or Master of Arts in Educational Studies. These programmes are different from traditional Master of Education (M.Ed.) programmes. The nature and scope of curricula for MA in Education or MA in Educational Studies programmes give rise to many questions that need philosophical considerations For instance, the characterisation of educational studies as a field of liberal study requires resolution before a curriculum with reasonably clear principles of unity can be formulated. This theme is an invitation to explore these and similar questions.
  • Policy Issues in Education: Measurement and Assessment, Accountability, Quality in Education: Educational policies in recent times have shown an unprecedented tilt towards nurturing certain kinds of regimes with a claim to ensure better provision and outcomes of education. Some examples are teacher accountability, quality as placement opportunities in higher education and securing admission in college education for school education. Moreover, we are witnessing a refinement of the social purposes of education under the pressure of a globalised economy. Exploration of aims of education in the emerging reform and policy initiatives is itself an important subtheme under the overall theme of policy issues. It is worthwhile to examine the interplay of these issues in education. It is important to examine these concepts from the perspective of what implications they will have on education.

We invite papers on any of the above mentioned themes. Contributions are expected to explore the philosophical significance of the questions emerging within the scope of each theme. However, good quality philosophical papers not falling under any of the above mentioned themes are also welcome.
Papers are invited from philosophers of education, philosophers, educationists, practitioners in education and students of education. Authors are advised to limit their contributions to 4500-6000 words. Papers should be prepared for blind review, and sent along with a 300-words abstract on or before January 1, 2014. The papers may be sent through email to poe.seminar@apu.edu.in.

A top sheet containing the following information must be affixed to each contribution:
(i) Author Name(s)
(ii) Title of the Paper
(iii) Designation and Institutional Affiliation
(iv) E-mail ID.

The document should be saved in the name of the author (first author's name in case of joint authors). Please send the documents either in Windows or Linux Open Office format.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: January 1, 2014
Communication for acceptance of the paper: February 15, 2014
International Seminar: May 12-14, 2014

Publication Policy
Efforts will be made to publish the papers either in internationally noted journal(s) on education as seminar proceedings or as an edited book. The final decision on the issue will be made at the conclusion of the seminar. Authors would therefore be required to submit the final and publishable version of their paper within three months after the conclusion of the Seminar. In view of this policy, authors will be required to provide written consent to submitting the final papers within three months of the conclusion of the seminar, and to allowing publication of their papers either as proceedings in journal(s) or as an edited book.

Travel Policy
It may also be noted that the expenses related to travel and accommodation during the Seminar will be borne by the Azim Premji University. This facility will only be available to those whose papers are accepted for presentation.

Further Details: http://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/PoE

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