Friday, October 4, 2013

CfPs: International conference "Technology, accountability and democracy in South Asia and beyond"; 17-18 Jan; Mumbai

International conference "Technology, accountability and democracy in South Asia and beyond"

17-18 January 2014

Venue: University of Mumbai, India

The Stanford University is hosting an conference entitled "Technology, accountability and democracy in South Asia and beyond" on the 17-18 January 2014. Location: University of Mumbai, India. The conference is organised by the Center for South Asia, and the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) – both at Stanford University, in partnership with Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai, and the Stanford Alumni Association of India.
Over the last few years, there has been unprecedented focus on corruption and accountability across South Asia.  Accountability movements have resulted in a variety of initiatives including special monitoring bodies, transparency laws, monitoring mechanisms, judicial reforms and refining government processes.  These initiatives bring different understandings of problems and approaches, with varied strengths and weaknesses. Despite these differences, they are increasingly converging on the use of technology to augment a growing set of accountability strategies. This conference proposes to bring together people who are engaged in these questions as activists, officials, academics and innovators to examine how technology is currently being used for accountability projects and to build meaningful platforms for the future. We specifically seek to bring together people with experience in accountability movements (with or without the use of technology), young innovators and researchers in order to promote rich multidisciplinary conversation and to build new collaborations.

More information and registration. 

The Conference invites papers on relevant themes, see the the call for papers.

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