Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CfPs: National Convention on Ethics in Research on Human Subjects; 30-31 July; at JNU

National Convention on Ethics in Research on Human Subjects: Problems in implementing international norms and guidelines in Indian context

30-31 July 2013
at JNU Convention Centre
Organized by Institutional Ethics Review Board, JNU

IERB – JNU announces its first "National Convention on Ethics in Research on Human Subjects: Problems in implementing international norms and guidelines in Indian context" on 30th – 31st July 2013, at Convention Centre, JNU.

The convention will focus on the guidelines (such as those of Nuffield Council on Bioethics 1991, Helsinki Declaration of 2000 clarifications in 2002, 2004, CIOMS 2002, and UNESCO document 2005, and specifically for India we have ICMR guidelines) and ground realities in India where we do not want to dampen the enthusiasm for research particularly in interdisciplinary sciences where mostly human participation is essential. At the same time, we also do not want to dilute the ethical norms and regulations prescribed globally. Most of the guidelines are also silent on behavioural, emotional, psychological research and psycho- social research involving human participants. This conference in JNU will take up these issues in paper presentations and panel discussions as well.
Papers/ presentations/ posters are invited in any of the following areas of concern:
  • Protecting the participants in Human Research
  • Respect for Individuality and Identity, Autonomy
  • Voluntariness and ICF- what is an ethical ideal?
  • Subjectivity in our perception of an ethical ideal
  • Assessment of Risk and Benefit
  • Policy Process and Policy framework,
  • Is there law for universal application?
  • Capacity to exercise voluntariness
  • Vulnerability issues in India studies
  • National and International norms and rules for working with
    • Children
    • Tribals and people from EWS/ backward areas
    • Illiterate/ semi educated people
    • Medically unfit population those with psychological / mental / cognitive disorders or those in a vegetative state
  • Confidentiality issues
  • Compensation / Incentives/ Reimbursement/ Insurance issues
  • Legal issues arising out of research
  • Institutional Responsibility
  • Awareness / education issues and preparing the future researcher for ethical research
  • India specific norms, and case studies
  • Students Research Norms/ SOP's
  • Faculty Research Projects
  • Setting the standards, accreditation standards
  • Norms for multidisciplinary, multi institutional research

The issues and challenges are enormous. Through this first National Convention on Ethics in Research on Human Subjects we need to initiate a debate and discussion to identify India specific challenges and how to meet them through Universities, medical colleges and other institutions of higher learning. Since we have very little time left, please submit your abstract at the earliest. The title of your presentation, a brief abstract in about 250 words, your affiliation may be sent to <ierbjnu@gmail.com> or <vaishna_narang@yahoo.com>.
Registration: There is no registration fee. Those of you coming from outside Delhi will be provided accommodation in the JNU guest house on the first cum first served basis, where you will have to pay for your boarding and lodging.

Conference Secretariat
Room no. 102,103, Old CRS Complex
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi- 110067
Tel. 011-2674664, 011-26704697, 09810608936
Email: ierbjnu@gmail.com, vaishna_narang@yahoo.com
Further Details: http://www.jnu.ac.in/Conference/National%20Convention%20on%20Ethics.pdf

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