Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Informal Sector Innovations in African Journal for Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID)

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the African Journal for Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID)

on "Informal Sector Innovations"

Guest Editors: Saradindu Bhaduri & Mammo Muchie

We invite scholars from innovation studies, development studies, economics, science and technology studies to contribute papers to this special issue of the African Journal for Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID). The AJSTID is an interdisciplinary and refereed international journal on science, technology, innovation and development in Africa and other low-income countries and is published by Taylor and Francis (Routledge) UK, with the publication frequency of 6 issues per year.  AJSTID has been established to highlight the crucial role of science, technology and innovation for development and to promote research on the contribution of knowledge creation and diffusion to development in Global south.

This special issue is intending to explore research questions pertaining to innovative activities in the informal sector of the economy. The importance of informal sector in generating employment and providing livelihood security in low and middle income countries cannot be overemphasized. However, the driving forces behind its sustained competitive advantage has been little studied, and, in particular, understanding of the process of  knowledge generation, technological learning and innovations in these sectors has remained inadequate.The intent of this special issue is to provide a forum to advance our understanding of informal sector innovations by examining its various nuances; concepts of innovations; knowledge generation, knowledge exchange, and their underlying motivations will also be covered in this upcoming special issue. We call for full research papers that may address, but are not limited to:

  • Conceptual understanding of informal sector
  • Informal sector innovations: concepts, motivations, learning, knowledge exchange
  • Case studies on informal sector innovations, preferably, from Africa, Latin America and South Asia
  • Knowledge networks in informal sector
  • Appropriation of knowledge and innovation in informal sector
  • IPR for informal sector innovations (patent, copyrights, geographical indications etc.)
  • Inclusive innovations and grassroots innovations
  • Informal agricultural Innovations
  • Innovations in traditional knowledge
  • Entrepreneurship in informal sector
  • Linkages/interactions between informal and formal sector innovation
  • Role of universities and research institutions in informal sector innovations
  • Regulation and informal sector innovations

Submissions will be refereed for relevance to the theme as well as academic rigor and originality. The papers should be no longer than 4000 – 7000 words with an abstract of 150 words; references should be sent in an Endnote file. High quality articles not deemed to be sufficiently relevant to the special issue may be considered for publication in a subsequent non-themed issue.

Please send your work no later than 15 November 2013 to Mammo Muchie at muchiem@tut.ac.za or Saradindu Bhaduri at saradindu@jnu.ac.in

Editorial Assistant for the special issue: Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh (fayazjustinternational@gmail.com)

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