Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Congratulations winners!! Globelics Academy 2011 announces Best Papers Award

Globelics Academy 2011 announces Best Papers Award 

Two best papers amongst the many excellent papers have now been chosen. Final selection was done by us, i.e. organizers. However, also many comments from the lecturing professors were taken into account. In addition, these two papers were clearly voted the best papers by GA 2011 students. And the best papers are:
  1. "Location, Structure, Motivation and Linkages of Foreign ICT and Biotechnology Firms in India and China" by Swapan Kumar PATRA (Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawharlal Nehru University, India)
  2. "The Dynamics of National Innovation Systems:a panel cointegration analysis of the co-evolution between Innovative Capability and Absorptive Capacity" by José Miguel NATERA (Complutense University of Madrid, Venezuelan)

Further Details: http://www.globelicsacademy.net/2011_students.html

The winners will get a chance to present their papers at the 9th Globelics International Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Congratulations winners!!

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