Tuesday, June 28, 2011

CfP:: 11th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR 2011), IISc, 21 October

The 11th Consortium of Students in Management Research
(COSMAR 2011)

on 21st October 2011

at the Department of Management Studies, IISc, Bangalore

COSMAR: The Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR) is an annual Research Consortium organized by the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The Consortium is a forum for interaction between research scholars who specialize in different areas of management and related disciplines.
COSMAR aims to catalyze and showcase quality academic research in management. It also provides an excellent opportunity for interaction among students, researchers, academicians, practitioners and corporate executives.
We encourage prospective student and delegate participants to browse through this website in order to find out more about COSMAR 2011. Prospective participants are welcome to contact us with their queries for any clarifications.

Call for Papers
Papers are invited from all areas of management and allied disciplines, including but not restricted to, the following research areas:
  • Economics
  • Energy & Environment
  • Finance
  • General Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Innovation & IP
  • Knowledge Management
  • Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Project Management
  • Public Policy
  • Statistics
  • Strategy
  • Systems
  • Technology Management
  • Transportation
Please note that this list is indicative and not exhaustive. Paper submissions from other areas of research in management are also encouraged, and will be considered subject to their approval by the Organizing Committee, COSMAR 2011. The decision of the Organizing Committee, COSMAR 2011, shall be final in this regard.

Eligibility Criteria
  • The researcher must be registered as a full-time/part-time scholar in a doctoral programme, i.e. Ph.D/D.Phil/Fellow Programme equivalent to a Ph.D or in an M.S. (By Research), in Management or allied disciplines, of a University/Deemed University/Institute of National Importance/recognized autonomous institution.
  • The researcher should have completed at least two years research in the programme and his/her registration must be active.
  • The paper submitted by the researcher should essentially be based on his/her management research dissertation.
  • Preferably, the thesis for which work is being carried out should NOT have been submitted. If the thesis has been submitted, then the degree should NOT have been awarded as on the date of submission of the Paper and the Certificate of Authenticity.
  • The decision taken by the Organizing Committee, COSMAR 2011, in ascertaining and determining the eligibility of a candidate for participation, shall be final.

Important Dates
The Organizing Committee, COSMAR 2011, has decided on the following deadlines applicable for Paper Submission, Acceptance Notification, and Camera-ready Copy Submission. Prospective participants are requested to take note of and adhere to them. Key Activity Deadline
  • Paper Submission 20 July 2011
  • Acceptance Notification 20 August 2011
  • Camera-ready Copy Submission 31 August 2011

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