Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Conference on Global Networking and its Implications for Euro-Asia Business Management and Research

The 17th International Euro-Asia Research Conference on "Global Networking and its Implications for Euro-Asia Business Management and Research"

Venue: Noida campus of Indian of Management, Lucknow, India

Dates: 28-29 October 2011

Call for Papers
Following a number of conferences held in France, Ireland, Norway, Japan, China, Spain and Indonesia since 1994, the Seventeenth International Euro-Asia Research Conference will take place in New Delhi (India) on October the 28 and 29, 2011. Research contributions addressing any aspect of Global Networking and its Implications for Euro-Asia Business Management and Research are welcome. Besides this theme, other papers in the fields of economics and management with a particular reference to Asia may also be submitted.
The research conference is a joint undertaking between the Indian Institute of Management, India, Yokohama National University, Japan, IAE of The University of Poitiers France, The University of Pau (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour), France, TELECOM Ecole de Management, France, The School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield, The U.K., and The University of Limerick, Ireland.
The Conference is intended to bring together researchers engaged in Management, Economics and related fields from Europe, Asia and other parts of the World. Doctoral students are also strongly encouraged to submit papers for consideration.

Conference Venue, Conference Fee
The conference will be at the Noida campus of Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, which is adjacent to New Delhi, India. The conference fee is 160 € (or 12,000 Indian Rupees) and includes welcome dinner, two lunches, two dinners, coffee breaks, a copy of the conference proceedings, and also includes local sight visits.

Submission Rules
Papers, in English should be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. They may either be related to a particular country or be of a comparative nature. Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published as Conference Proceedings. Furthermore, a number of selected papers will be published in a scholarly journal or as a book.
A two-page abstract in English or French (including bibliography) should be submitted by March the 31st, 2011 to Ms Céline PHELIPPON, IAE – University of Poitiers, France at the following e-mail address: Please address a copy of your submission to Professor Jacques JAUSSAUD at the following at
A title page with a complete list of authors, their academic position, addresses, phone and fax numbers as well as E-mail should be included separately. The decision of the Scientific Committee will be communicated to the authors by April the 30th, 2011.
The final paper, including an abstract of around 300 words, should be forwarded by June the 15th, 2011. Length should not exceed 6,000 words or 15 single-spaced pages (including tables, figures, and references). Papers should be submitted in hard copy (or by e-mail as an attachment) as well as on disc (Word 6 or a later version).

Secretariat of the Euro-Asia Research Conference
IAE de Poitiers, 20 rue Guillaume VII Le Troubadour, BP 639,
86022 Poitiers Cedex, France
Phone: + (33) 5 49 45 44 89 Fax: + (33) 5 49 45 44 90

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