Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CfP:: ICTPI International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI)

13th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI)

Bogotá, Colombia

8-9 September 2011

About ICTPI-2011 in Bogotá
ICTPI-2011 is being organized by the Alianza Universidad-Empresa-Estado (AUEE) de Bogotá-Región, a joint venture that has been established by the universities based in this city, the business sector and government, with the purpose of promoting the application of science and technology to foster regional economic development by creating value through innovation. This is being done through strengthening university-industry collaboration. In Colombia there are similar initiatives that have emerged in various regions, reflecting the current national policy of regionalizing science and technology development programs.
The Colombian Government is significantly increasing the investment in science, technology and innovation by assigning part of the royalties received from a variety of sources to supporting programs in this area. This increased funding is closely related to the fact that a special emphasis is being placed on the use of science and technology as an instrument of economic regional development. For this reason, there is special interest in becoming better acquainted with such issues as:
a) A better understanding of recent experiences with National Innovation Policies in order to identify key elements or characteristics that have contributed to the success of these policies, or that have been major limitations to their effectiveness.
b) What are the main policy instruments through which Innovation Policies and Strategies are implemented?
c) How can the main stakeholders be involved in this process? How can private sector investment in technological development and innovation be promoted?
d) Two important dimensions of Technology and Innovation Policy are currently being discussed:
  • The territorial dimension, which leads to issues related to promoting/supporting Regional Innovation Systems and the emergence of Regional Clusters.
  • The sectorial dimension, which relates to "Sectorial Innovation Policies" in key sectors of the economy (i.e. agriculture, telecommunications, mining, etc.).
e) A better understanding of major technological trends that are shaping the Globalized Networked Economy, and thus the context in which we operate.

Conference themes
The main themes of the Conference around which researchers are being invited to present papers are as follows:
1. Lessons learned from recent National Innovation Strategies:
2. Funding Strategies for Innovation:
3. Regulations in the Global Networked Economy and its impact on innovation:
4. Technological trends that shape the context in which innovation takes place:
5. The territorial dimension: Building Regional Innovation Systems
6. The sectorial dimension: Promoting innovation in the agricultural-rural sector:
7. The sectorial dimension: Promoting innovation in the service sector:
8. Education and Social Innovation:

Call for Papers:
Invitation to present papers:
The 13th ICTPI-2011 Conference will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, on September 8 and 9, 2011, on the topic of "Building a National Innovation Strategy in a Globally Networked Economy". Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers on any of the themes that have been selected for the Conference, which may be consulted in the section on "Themes of ICTPI-2011".
Paper selection will be based upon submission of an extended abstract of at least 300 words, which should be typed double-spaced in English. The extended abstracts should clearly state the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the work with supporting main references. It must include e-mail and/or FAX addresses. Please ensure that the abstract is representative of the research work to be submitted for presentation during the Conference and include KEY-WORDS and the MAIN THEME to which your presentation relates (select one from "Themes of ICTPI-2011".)

Interested authors may click here to submit their abstracts.

Important deadlines:
a) 1/2 Page Abstracts due before May 31, 2011
Abstracts should be no longer than 1.000 words and clearly present the objectives, methodologies and (expected) results of the work, as well as indicate the Conference topic(s) that the paper will address, or alternatively other topics under the Conference theme, and pertinent keywords
b) Notification of Action of Acceptance by June 20, 2011.
c) Full–papers due before August 15, 2011.

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