Monday, October 18, 2010

Call for Indian management research proposals:: 2010 Emerald/IAM Indian Management Research Fund Award

2010 Emerald/IAM Indian Management Research Fund Award
Supporting knowledge creation and dissemination for the social good in India

Call for Indian management research proposals
This year, Emerald and the IAM – Indian Academy of Management – are delighted to offer a research grant for an Indian project in the field of management research. There will be one award of £2,000 (approximately US$3,000 equivalent) for the winning research project, and two awards of £500 each for highly-commended runners up, to fund or part-fund these projects.
Applications should address the creation and dissemination of knowledge for the social good with a specific orientation toward benefit for India.

The main member of the research team must be based in India.

Judging criteria
Each application will be judged, by a panel of experts, on the criteria below. The research must:
  • Be of significance, and in particular, illustrate how it will benefit the social good.
  • Demonstrate originality and innovation.
  • Make an outstanding contribution to theory and its application.
  • Illustrate the appropriateness and application of the methodology.
  • Demonstrate sound implications for theory and practice.

Application requirements
Each proposal must be submitted using the online application form at:

The following documents will be required electronically:
  • A summary stating specific goals, outcomes and benefits of the research. This should not exceed 2,000 words (note that tables, figures, appendices and reference lists, if provided do NOT count to the 2,000 word total).
  • A covering letter containing full contact details (affiliation, full address, telephone number/s and e-mail address) for all researchers involved in the project. Please state clearly which researcher will be the main point of contact.

The 2,000-word summary must:
  • Display clearly a statement of purpose and intent.
  • State clearly the methodology(ies) applied and explicitly describe the research process.
  • State expected research outcomes and expected impact and possible application.
  • Specify the expected timescales of the research process.
  • Outline projected costs and total research grant required.

Key dates
  • The closing date for applications is 1 February 2011.
  • Winners will be announced in April 2011.

Last year's winner
Last year Emerald was delighted to receive almost 50 research proposals of outstanding quality. The winning research proposal was "Understanding and addressing cataract-related eye care issues in rural Tamil Nadu" by Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran (Great Lakes Institute of Management), in conjunction with Arti D. Kalro (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) and Piyush Sharma (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University).
"My co-researchers and I thank Emerald for recognizing the potential in our work and giving us the award. It is indeed a great honour. In fact, it has always been a dream of mine to do management research with a strong social focus. However, it has been difficult to find funding for the same. It is indeed praiseworthy that Emerald is willing to fund such research and enable scholars like me to do research in this area. I hope that with the funding we get from Emerald, we can find something useful from our research that will not just advance the frontiers of knowledge, but do so in a way that will enhance societal welfare. Once again, thanks to Emerald."

For further information, please contact:
Anasua Mukherjee Das
Publishing Relationship Manager
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
502-503, Ring Road Mall
Sector-3, Mangalam Place, Rohini
New Delhi-110085, India
Tel: +91 11 43362200
E-mail: ADas[at]

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