Monday, October 18, 2010

24th Skoch Summit: Delivering Equality, Growth and Social Justice

24th Skoch Summit: Delivering Equality, Growth and Social Justice

10-11 November 2010

Venue: Hotel Shangri-La, Ashoka Road, New Delhi

Organized by Skoch Development Foundation, Gurgaon

In this 24th Summit we revisit the theme from the 4th Skoch Summit held in October 2010 at New Delhi.The 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) document has a subtitle of inclusive growth. This lists out divides and disparities and these can be spatial (geographic) or collective-category (gender, caste, community, ethnicity, religion) based. Reforms that trigger growth must be inclusive in the sense of broad-basing growth and mainstreaming deprived and backward segments. While growth throws up market-based opportunities, there must be equal access to markets. The main items on this inclusive growth agenda are the following:
  • Education
  • Health
  • Infrastructure
  • Governance
  • Subsidies
  • Spatial deprivations
  • Financial Deepening
  • Public goods and Public expenditure
  • Land and natural resource markets
  • Special Session: A Billion Connected People - Making of a Digital Nation

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