Thursday, April 1, 2010

ICRIER Programme on Critical Strategic & Economic Issues for the Future

Advanced Briefing Programme
Critical Strategic & Economic Issues for the Future

November 8-20, 2010, Delhi

Organized by
Strategic and Economic Capacity Building Programme,
Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, India

This programme addresses the need for capacity‐building in the strategic and external policy community in S. Asia. In a complex, dynamic world, where economics, politics and military issues inter‐twine on an ever increasing scale, policy‐makers, media‐persons, and researchers have to deal with multi‐faceted issues and problems. Their task has become all the more challenging in the post cold war era, where set positions are being replaced by fluid coalition‐building and more nuanced approaches. External policy makers will increasingly be required to clearly prioritize their national interests in the global arena and take more informed decisions of cooperation and conflict going well beyond the South Asian region to Asian and global issues.

This workshop is a response to this capacity deficit in the strategic and external policy community in S. Asia. With internationally reputed faculty and experts, it aims at exposing South Asia's younger diplomats and opinion makers to front line international strategic thinking and analysis, in an innovative, interactive framework. There will be more than 20 sessions over a period of two weeks, on issues of the future organized within the following broad themes:
  • The Global Situation: Broad overview of developments in the global economy, the shifting balance of power, international trade and governance regimes, and scenarios for the future
  • The South Asian Context: The rise of Asia, prospects for regional cooperation in South Asia, scenarios for India's future
  • The Dynamics of Power & Security Challenges: Global and regional geopolitics and security issues
  • Climate Change, Energy and Natural Resources: The present situation, future scenarios, problems of international cooperation

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