Thursday, April 1, 2010

Call for Research Proposals by Strategic and Economic Capacity Building Programme, ICRIER

Call for Research Proposals

Invited by Strategic and Economic Capacity Building Programme (SECP), ICRIER

ICRIER invites applications for writing in-depth research papers on international strategic / economic issues of the future, under the Strategic & Economic Capacity-building Programme (SECP), sponsored by the Macarthur Foundation. The focus of the SECP project is on international issues of the future, especially in the Asian context, such as those relating to economic and strategic policies, global governance, and regional cooperation. South Asian academics, diplomats, media-persons and others having appropriate academic background and experience may apply at the earliest. Selected researchers will have six months to produce the paper under the guidance of internationally reputed mentors. The papers, on satisfactory completion, will be suitably disseminated through workshops / publications. The papers carry an honorarium of INR 1,00,000 (Indian Rupees one lakh only) plus possibility of a travel grant.

Please apply at the earliest to the Director, Strategic and Economic Capacity-building Programme (e-mail: skumar[at] along with CV(s) of researchers, and an outline of the research proposal, in the format given here.

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