Tuesday, April 13, 2010

CfP:: Special Issue on Innovation in India; Technological Forecasting & Social Change: An International Journal

Technological Forecasting & Social Change: An International Journal

Call for Papers
Special Issue on Innovation in India

Guest Editor: Dr. Rajesh K. Pillania, Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School.
Email: rajesh_pillania[at]hks.harvard.edu; rajesh[at]pillania.org

Relevance and importance of the topic
India is one of the fastest growing economies and the role and significance of India in the global economy is continuously increasing. India offers enormous opportunities to both individuals and organizations. At the same time with a complex diversity, huge population and not so good performance on many non-economic aspects as reflected in various reports; India also provides and faces numerous challenges. Globally, scholars agree to the increasing need and importance of innovations for bringing positive change to individuals, companies, societies and countries. The concern for innovations is gaining voice in industry, government, civil society and academia in India. Innovations and their strategic management need to be harnessed for bringing overall development and progress of the country. Contributions are invited on various aspects of innovations in Indian context.
A suggested list of topical areas: A list of suggested topics includes but is not limited to the following:
  • Environment for innovations in India
  • Special issues in Indian context
  • Innovations in public sector
  • Innovations in social sector
  • Innovations in government
  • Business model innovations
  • Innovations bringing social change
  • Innovations in technology
  • Bottom of pyramid innovations
  • Challenges for innovations strategy in India
  • Future of innovations and its strategic management in India.

To be considered for publication in this Special Issue, manuscripts must be received by Oct 1, 2010. Please submit your paper via Elsevier's on-line submission system (see: http://www.ees.elsevier.com/tfs) and indicate in the letter that they are for this Special Issue. Please also refer to TFSC's “Guide for Authors” for the styling and formatting guidelines (see: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505740/authorinstructions).

October 1, 2010 Manuscript submission deadline
January 1, 2011 First review cycle completed
March 1, 2011 Second review cycle and final acceptance
April 1, 2011 Final manuscript submissions to publisher

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