Tuesday, April 13, 2010

CfP:: Special Issue "Economic hard times: Impact on innovation and innovation potential"; Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Technological Forecasting & Social Change: An International Journal

Call for Papers
Special Issue "Economic hard times: Impact on innovation and innovation potential"

Guest Editor: Dr. Junmo Kim,Dept. of Public Admin., KonkukUniversity, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Email: junmokim[at]unitel.co.kr

Relevance and importance of the topic
Economic hard times can have impacts on all spheres of global and regional activity. During hard times, individuals, firms, economies and societies tend to search for a remedy through investment. One way to appreciate how crises affect societies is to understand that the recent crisis beginning in 2008 is not a genuinely new one, and to take into account recurring patterns such as the Kondratieff cycles. Against this backdrop, the special issue will explore how economic stress affects the long-term innovative capacity of societies and industries. Some societies and industries will enjoy increased funding, while in other cases investment would be curtailed. Yet, increased or decreased investment may lead to counter-intuitive developments.
Under these economic crises, countries and industries have shown similarities and differences in responses. This special issue will include papers addressing how government, industry, and society have reacted to the economic crises, with a focus on the long-term impact (on science, technology, and innovation) that their choices may bring on. To fulfill the research question, this special issue focuses on the following areas, which are not necessarily exhaustive.
- Macro data-based historical analysis of government or industry responses to crises, and their consequences.
- A country- or industry-specific (or better, a comparative) case study of how actors responded to economic hard times, noting consequences and potential implications for other countries and industries.
- Methodological research oriented toward detecting and discriminating the impacts of economic hard times and investment decisions on the future.
A paper in any of the three tracks may draw on ideas from the other tracks, and in every case it would be desirable to describe why certain types of policy decisions were made.

To be considered for publication in this Special Issue, manuscripts must be received by Oct 1, 2010. Please submit your paper via Elsevier's on-line submission system (see: http://www.ees.elsevier.com/tfs) and indicate in the letter that they are for this Special Issue. Please also refer to TFSC's "Guide for Authors" for the styling and formatting guidelines (see: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505740/authorinstructions).

Important dates
  • December 10, 2010 Deadline for manuscript submission
  • March, 2011 Notification of authors
  • June, 2011 Deadline for paper revision for accepted papers
  • TBA, 2012 Target publication date

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