Tuesday, November 10, 2009

UNU-EHS Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability

Fifth Annual Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability

25-31 July 2010

Venue: The historic Hohenkammer Castle (Schloss Hohenkammer) in the countryside outside of Munich, Germany

Supported by Munich Re Foundation and United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

Call for Applications

UNU-EHS invites qualified Ph.D, LLM and SJD students who have an interdisciplinary focus and are working on research or dissertations related to humanitarian and human rights law, migration studies, economics and labor migration, environmental studies, natural disasters, human security, and public health to apply for the 2010 Summer Academy. Most participants are expected to be graduate or post-graduate students. PhD students would be ideally in their second or third year of research. However, a few places will be reserved for practitioners who wish to take a step back from their operational work to engage with young researchers on this strategic issue. Applications are required to be submitted online at www.ehs.unu.edu not later than January 15, 2010.


The Summer Academy is designed to bring Ph.D, LLM and SJD students together with senior United Nations University and Munich Re Foundation scientists, international experts, and academic professors to facilitate the mutual exchange of research and scholarship on climate change and social vulnerability. The 2010 program will invite a group of outstanding students from graduate programs around the world to participate with experts in mapping a set of potential policy and institutional frameworks to help address the humanitarian and human rights impacts of forced migration related to climate change.

Learning Objectives

  • Independent and problem solving orientated thinking;
  • Actively engaging and communicating with other participants in an inter/multidisciplinary and intercultural team;
  • Translating research into policy relevant recommendations;
  • Enhancing participants’ ability to fit their own research into a broader research context and the ability of strategic planning of future research;
  • Professional networking amongst young and senior professionals at the academy to link up synergy for further collaboration;
  • Increasing and updating participants’ knowledge of the literature on social vulnerability, governance framework in relation to climate change and forced migration.

Financial Support

The participants are expected to cover their travel. Accommodation and meals during the week-long academy will be generously sponsored by the Munich Re Foundation. There are only limited funds available for travel support for applicants from developing countries. All applicants are encouraged to seek their own funding for travel.Summer Academy application process Complete applications must be received no later than 15 January 2010. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Notifications will be made mid-March 2010. The working language for the Summer Academy is English.

Summer Academy application process

Complete applications must be received no later than 15 January 2010. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Notifications will be made mid-March 2010. The working language for the Summer Academy is English.To apply for the 2010 Summer Academy in the online form provided at the UNU-EHS website.

Further Details

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