Monday, November 16, 2009

NISTADS Workshop on "Green Economy: Challenges and Responses to Changing Conditions"

Two day Workshop on "Green Economy: Challenges and Responses to Changing Conditions"
14-15 December 2009
Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi
Organized by National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS, CSIR), New Delhi

NISTADS is devoted to the study of various aspects of interaction among science, society and state. As a part of a recently undertaken project on "Prospects of Green Occupations in India with special emphasis on skilled professions". The workshop aims to focus on economic sectors with greening potential, such as water, energy etc and the skills response strategies towards current and future labour market demand for green collar workers at different levels, i.e. national, sectoral, regional, company and training provider. A discussion on the priorities of the country for mitigating and adapting to climate change in response to environmental degradation among researchers, academicians, bureaucrats and stakeholders will also be a part of the workshop. The workshop is broadly divided into the following themes:
  • Day I
A. Access to clean water: Water supply, Waste water treatment, Governance
B. Energy efficiency: Green buildings, Emerging clean technologies, energy supply
  • Day II
C. Environmental standards: Regulations, Management, Audit
D. Other issues on new or existing green occupations
Contact Dr. Kasturi Mandal, Scientist, NISTADS to present a paper or take part in the deliberations.

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