Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Science Meets Communication - The 9th Indian Science Communication Congress

Science Meets Communication - The 9th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2009)

15-19 December 2009

Venue: Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Guwahati, Assam, India

Organized by: National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC/ DST), New Delhi; Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU), Guwahati; Indian Science Writers' Association (ISWA), New Delhi, India

The Concept

Each and every occurrence in the world leaves an impression in our mind. Our mind tends to analyze these impressions in order to empower ourselves to harmonize more effectively with our surroundings and to develop and adapt ourselves to the surroundings better. Science seeks to comprehend the nature and explain the natural and physical world with scientific knowledge based on scientific facts and evidences. Application of scientific knowledge in the form of technology had changed the lives of man in early days and has been continuing to change ever since. Over the years the development of science and technology has overshadowed all other developments but unfortunately, the development of the scientific spirit has not kept pace with the development of technology as far as the common man is concerned. The effort to empower masses towards taking the benefits of science for the society’s welfare comes to a naught when society mirrors a wide gap between scientific community and the common masses. This gap needs to be bridged. It may take long time and great effort to get rid of centuries old misbelieves and superstitions and create an environment where science is comprehensible to common man. Innovative science communication practices can find an answer to that and therefore the ISCC-2009 is aiming to focus on the meeting point of science and communication for the benefit of society. The approach to bridge the gap between science community and the general people, science education in the light of public understanding, various research tools and techniques for increasing scientific temperament in the common mass, various angles of science coverage by different media and the status of science communication in regional languages will be the issues for deliberations at the ISCC-2009. The Focal Theme for ISCC-2009 is "Science Meets Communication".


  1. To encourage discussion and interaction on issues and aspects concerning S&T communication.
  2. To bring science communicators, scientists, technologists, journalists, academicians together.
  3. To offer budding S&T communicators a wider exposure and enable them to express their views/ ideas.
  4. To address various issues vital to promotion of science and technology communication.
  5. To explore and share newer tools, ways, means for better target specific S&T communication.
  6. To provide a forum for young and experienced researchers and practitioners of S&T communication.
  7. To encourage the communicators to create and inculcate scientific temperament among the ethnic communities of the North Eastern Region, especially in the tribal areas.

Sub Themes: There will be 7 Scientific Sessions on the following sub themes:

  1. Bridging the gap
  2. Science in the media
  3. Science and technology journalism to enlighten the society
  4. Science illiteracy
  5. Science communication in regional languages
  6. Reaching the unreached - science and communication through distance learning
  7. Resistance to scientific temper

ISCC Format

The technical sessions will have presentation of contributory research papers, review papers, survey analyses, case studies, and invited talks. Discussions in split groups would offer close exchange of thoughts and ideas. Deliberations will be in English, Hindi and Assamese. A subtheme cannot be the title of a paper/ presentation; select a narrower topic under a sub theme and design your research study around it. Papers must be prepared in standard research paper format, i.e. title of paper, name(s) and address of author(s), abstract, key words, introduction, objectives, methodology, observations, discussion, analysis, inferences, conclusions, recommendations, references, along with illustrations, graphics, photos including captions. In addition to scientific sessions and split groups, there will be two workshops and an open ended roundtable. One workshop would be for young researchers/ students; whereas the other will highlight global perspectives in S&T Communication.

Submission of Abstract/ Paper/ Poster/ Lecture/ Workshop Proposal

  • Last Date for Submission of Abstract (500 Words) : November 20, 2009
  • Last Date for Application for Travel Fellowship : November 20, 2009
  • Last Date for Submission of Full Paper : November 30, 2009
  • Last Date for Registration : November 30, 2009

Travel Fellowship

Limited number of travel fellowships are available for selected/ invited delegates from India. International delegates will make their own travel arrangements; the organizers could offer free stay and meals. Best paper/ presentation awards would be given in junior and senior categories based on independent evaluation.


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and should be asked for physical presentation at the conference. Selected papers may be submitted for publication in the Indian Journal of Science Communication.

Further Details

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