Friday, October 23, 2009

National Seminar on Science & Technology in Ancient Indian Texts

National Seminar on Science & Technology in Ancient Indian Texts (STAIT)

9-10 January 2010

Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Organized by:

Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth), USA & Special Center for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

The Special Center for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, in collaboration with the Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth is organizing a two day seminar on “Science & Technology in Ancient Indian Texts (STAIT)” during January 9-10, 2010. This seminar is an activity under a project running at the Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth under the directorship of Prof. Bal Ram Singh. This project aims to explore provable scientific and technological concepts in ancient Indian texts.

The seminar is proposed to invite experts from India and abroad working on natural sciences in Sanskrit under the following broad categories. This seminar aims at bringing together persons having academic interest in diverse areas of Sanskrit and Science. Though the area of Indic Science is broad, we are trying to focus on the following themes

  1. Biological & Environmental Sciences
  2. Chemical Sciences & Metallurgy
  3. Physical Sciences & Astronomy
  4. Medical Sciences, Ayurveda, Yoga for healing
  5. Mathematical and Linguistic Sciences
  6. Engineering including vaastu, vimaana shaastra, ship building, war, armament
  7. Agricultural sciences & animal husbandry
  8. Other novel sciences (not covered under 1-7)

Further Details

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