Thursday, August 20, 2009

Technology Innovation & Management for Sustainable Development 2009

TIMS-09 (Technology Innovation & Management for Sustainable Development 2009)

International Conference on Climate Change & Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

10-12 November 2009

Organized by: ITM Universe Campus, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Sponsored by: Global Development Network (GDN)

Since industrial revolution from mid 19th century, environment and natural resources have been exploited severely by human population. Presently degradation of environment and natural resources is posing the greatest threat to the globe. Earth is warming at an unusual rate. Evidence of warming is present in different forms. The most obvious is data of temperature records. There are many temperature —dependant phenomenon that also indicate the earth is warming. Earth’s mountain glaciers are melting. Antarctica ice sheets are breaking up, and sea level is rising. The temperature of the global oceans is rising. Northern hemisphere permafrost is melting. Arctic pack ice is thinning and retreating. The tree line in mountain ranges is moving upward.

Scientists suggest that the cause for increase in atmospheric CO2 and ultimately for planetary warming is from anthropogenic activities. The main sources for the increased CO2 are the combination of burning fossil fuels, deforestation and de-vegetation to clear land for agriculture.

Objectives of the Conference

  • It will examine evidences and causes of climate change (natural & anthropogenic)
  • Impact of climate change on humans and ecosystems
  • Mitigation of climate change through technological, social, ethical and political responses.


This International Conference (TIMS-09) features keynote speeches, panel discussions, oral and poster sessions, best paper awards and cultural programmes. As the Conference topics are multidisciplinary in nature, technical sessions will be arranged in different parallel sessions.

Call for Papers and Posters

The participants for the conference are invited to submit paper for oral or poster presentation. Kindly submit an abstract of your proposed presentation to the conference secretariat, by 31st August, 2009 and the full paper of same latest by 30th September, 2009. The abstract should be of about 250 words. The manuscript must be submitted in IEEE format. The abstract can also be sent as an e-mail word attachment to 'conference.iasca2009[at] to the conference secretariat of conference. Participants will be informed by 7th September 2009 or earlier the status of acceptance of their papers. Abstracts of all papers accepted for oral and posterpresentations will be printed in the conference Souvenir. Full papers will be published in the form of proceedings.

Poster Presentation

Poster boards will be provided for poster presentation. Each poster will be be allotted a board space measuring 120x150 cm (48”x60”). Drawing pins or thumb tags will be provided. All poster presentations will be in English. Handwritten posters will not be accepted. The text should be rendered with a sufficiently large font to be legible from a distance of 1-2 meter. Graphs, tables, figures, photographs or maps may be used within the limits of the board space allocated.

Key Dates

  • Last date of receipt of abstracts: 31 August 2009.
  • Intimation of acceptance of abstracts: 7 September 2009.
  • Last date for receipt of full manuscript: 30 September 2009.
  • Registration deadline for authors to have their papers included in the Conference and Proceedings: 30 September 2009.

Further Details

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