Thursday, August 20, 2009

INET Asia Regional Conference: Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment

INET Asia Regional Conference: Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment

17 September 2009

Venue: InterContinental Hotel, Nehru Place, Delhi

Organized by the Internet Society (ISOC), in collaboration with the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)

Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment

The Internet Society, in collaboration with the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), is holding a regional conference in Delhi, India on 17 September, 2009. The conference, part of the Internet Society's INET series of regional conferences, will be focused on enabling Internet access with the theme "Towards an Enabling Internet Access Environment".

The challenges of improving Internet growth are multifaceted and interrelated, particularly in developing countries. They include, for example, access to technical skills and knowledge, the regulatory and policy environment for information and telecommunications services, and broader economic and market factors, language diversity, and the diffusion and reliability of basic infrastructure and services.

INET Delhi will bring together regional and international policy and technical experts, government, network operators, the private sector and the user community to discuss and deliberate the current state of play of the Internet access environment in the region. The conference will discuss issues in creating and sustaining an enabling Internet access environment, including Internet for development through accessibility, inclusion and growth, multi-stakeholder participation, online content and local languages, and strategies to ensure the continued growth and evolution of the User Centric Internet through appropriate and consultative policy action.

Registration is free, however, seating is limited and pre-registration by Wednesday, 2 September is required. Morning/afternoon refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Provisional Agenda

Power Session: Internet for Inclusive Development

Plenary Session I : South Asia 'Internet for Development': Road towards Inclusion & Growth

  • Internet for Public Service Delivery: Decentralization, Community Involvement & Participation
  • Accessibility, Affordability and User Centric Internet Growth
  • Status of Internet Infrastructure Growth
  • Internet for Development & Policy Requirements
  • Using the Internet Model as a framework for development consultation, dialogue and participation: the multi-stakeholder model

Plenary Session II: Developing national Internet infrastructure for socio-economic development: Role of Digital Content & Services in Internet Enabled Growth

  • Ensuring Last Mile Connectivity beyond Stop Gap Arrangements
  • Policy Compatibility towards robust National Internet Infrastructure
  • Online Content in South Asia: Opportunities and Realities
  • Local Language Content & Citizen Services Delivery

Plenary Session III: Internet Governance & Digital Divide: "Strategies from thought to action towards a policy Roadmap"

  • Formulating responses and solutions to Internet security, stability and soft issues: IPv6, DNSSEC, SPAM, Network Neutrality, Trust and Identity
  • User-Centric Internet: Building Internet around the needs of the users
  • Intellectual Property: Managing the intellectual property laws in a modern networked society
  • Greater policy awareness and regional tailoring of policy programs

Register Online Here

Further Details

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