Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Homi Bhabha Centenary Symposium: Science and Technology at the Frontiers

Homi Bhabha Centenary Symposium: Science and Technology at the Frontiers

3-5 December 2009

Venue: Homi Bhabha Auditorium, TIFR, Mumbai, India

Homi Bhabha is remembered today both as one of the leading scientists of his day, and as an institution builder. The areas of high energy physics and cosmic ray physics, in which Bhabha worked, remain frontier areas today. Several of his contributions, for example "Bhabha scattering", are central to modern developments in the subject. Bhabha was also an insightful administrator and had a deep appreciation of art and culture.

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), which started with Bhabha, has grown tremendously over the years. Beginning with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the Atomic Energy Establishment (now the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), the DAE encompasses many Institutions and Centres with strong activity in various areas of science and technology.

Bhabha strongly involved with science in India as a whole and with the academies of science in particular. He was Vice President of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc) and President of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA).

The DAE is holding this Symposium with the joint participation of INSA, IASc and NASI (the National Academy of Sciences, India) along with the Royal Society, London, to commemorate the birth centenary of Homi Bhabha. The Symposium will focus on issues related to science, society and culture, spanning a range of human activity from physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology to nuclear energy, agriculture and medicine to music, painting, history and cinema. It will highlight Bhabha's scientific contributions in various areas,the present status and future of these areas and the wide-ranging involvement of the DAE, as well as Bhabha's commitment to India's development and his refined sense of aesthetics.

The programme will consist of invited talks by eminent scientists, thinkers and cultural figures from India and abroad, as well as cultural programmes representing both the Indian and Western performing arts.

Further Details

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