Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CfP: ICTs and Development: An International Workshop for Theory, Practice, & Policy

ICTs and Development: An International Workshop for Theory, Practice, & Policy

11-12 March 2010

Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi

Sponsored by International Development Research Centre, Canada

Call for Papers

Unpublished, original empirical papers are invited for the forthcoming international workshop on ICTs and Development: An International Workshop for Theory, Practice, & Policy to be conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, India, during 11-12 March 2010.

The workshop aims to provide a forum for scholars to share their empirical research with academic experts, policymakers, and activists from the regional and international development community. Papers should examine how mobile phones, computers, and the Internet influence the empowerment of marginal individuals and communities, including whether ICTs create and enhance livelihood opportunities for people in the developing world.

Papers should be in the range of 5,000-8,000 words (including abstract and bibliography) and should include a clear discussion of the implications of the findings for development policy and/or practice.

No more than twelve papers will be selected by the workshop organizers for presentation.The first author of each paper chosen will be given air fare and lodging/meals.

The workshop is part of the project, ICTs and Urban Micro Enterprises: Identifying and Maximizing Opportunities for Economic Development, and is supported by the International Development Research Centre, Canada.

The organizers are committed to finding an appropriate publication venue for all papers accepted for the workshop.


  • Submission of manuscripts: 1st October 2009
  • Announcement of results: 1st December 2009
  • Submission of final version of the paper: 1st February 2010

For submission of manuscripts and other enquiries, please write to ICTD2010[at]gmail.com

Workshop Organizers

Further Details

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