Monday, June 8, 2009

National Convention on Making Growth Inclusive: Opportunities, Scope and Challenges at the State Level

National Convention on Making Growth Inclusive: Opportunities, Scope and Challenges at the State Level

Dates: 26-28 October 2009

Organized by: Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Gandhinagar Sarkhej Highway, Gata, Ahmedabad - 380 060, Gujarat

Call for Papers

The main focus of the 3-day National Convention is to discuss strategies and pathways for moving towards inclusive growth during the XI Plan at state as well as sectoral levels. The macro level strategy, as envisaged in the XI Plan, consists of centrality of agriculture growth, environmental sustainability and increased thrust on workforce diversification. This calls for: (a) realigning the sectoral priorities in favour of agriculture and labour intensive industries; and (b) allocation of funds by the centre and the states and effective management of programmes and schemes through improved governance at various levels. All these, essentially, would hinge on willingness as well as preparedness on part of the state Governments to work out actionable plans that may feed into a larger and cohesive scenario of inclusive growth. This is complex as the state level strategies are poised for dual roles of addressing not only state specific issues and goals, but also that of contributing towards sustaining the momentum of overall growth at the macro level. How far the state Governments, operating under a fairly diverse socio-economic and political milieu share the larger goal at the national level, how consistent are the policy initiatives of states, and what kind of specific constraints are being faced by them under the present system of federal finance? These are some of the larger issues that need careful attention for creating appropriate environment and a larger picture of inclusive growth envisaged in the XI Plan. While there is a fair amount of consensus on the fact that economic growth has failed to be (sufficiently) inclusive, particularly in post-liberalisation phase, what is however, less clear is the operational definition of inclusive growth; the measures thereof; the diagnosis and the solutions or new pathways for achieving such growth.

Given this backdrop, the National Convention will deliberate on the state as well as sector specific issues. The Convention will consist of state specific panels to discuss strategies of states for achieving inclusive growth and thematic sessions. The themes will include the following: i) Sustainable Growth in Agriculture: Challenges and Alternative Perspectives; ii) Employment Scenario and Right to Work and iii) Effective Governance. The thematic sessions will consist of about 8-10 papers in each of the three themes. Papers are invited for the thematic sessions and state level analysis will be given the preference. Those who wish to contribute papers for the Convention should submit an abstract by June 30, 2009. The abstract should not be more than 300 words and should include title of the paper, name/s, email address, and institutional affiliation/s of the authors. Authors of the selected abstracts will be informed by July 15, for submission of the full papers (up to 12000 words). Full papers should be sent before September 15th. These papers will be reviewed and decision about acceptance of papers for presentation in the National Convention will be communicated to authors by September 30, 2009. Authors of the selected papers will be provided with travel support (II AC Sleeper) and also local hospitality during the Convention.

For further details and information about the structure and themes of the Convention please visit the institute's website or write to the Conveners: Dr. Jharna Pathak jharna[at]; Professor. Amita Shah amitagidr[at] Telephone Nos.: 02717-242366/7, Fax: 02717242365.

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