Monday, June 8, 2009

Call for Research Pre-Proposals -Economics of Climate Change

Call for Research Pre-Proposals -Economics of Climate Change
Deadline June 30th 2009

The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) is a regional network that brings together and strengthens South Asian researchers and institutions interested in the inter-connections between development and the environment. SANDEE is currently inviting research pre-proposals on the Economics of Climate Change. Pre-proposals, if accepted, will lead to an invitation to submit a full research proposal.

Human activity is altering the earth's climate with serious implications for food security, health, biodiversity and natural disasters. South Asian countries will need to respond with strategies to both mitigate green house gases and adapt to climate change. SANDEE would like to increase its support for research on the economics of climate change.

We are soliciting concept notes on the following topics: a) The benefits, costs and distributional impacts of specific adaptation or mitigation strategies. b) Economy wide impacts of climate change policies through the use of macro-economic models. c) Incentives related to international climate mitigation/adaptation instruments and climate negotiations.d) Economic analyses of local and regional climate problems such as haze and black carbon and strategies to mitigate these. e) Extreme events and the economic viability of 'adaptation instruments' such as insurance, improved natural barriers or institutional responses.

SANDEE supports economics research related to environmental problems. Pre-proposals that do not have a strong economics component will not be considered. However, multi-disciplinary projects are encouraged. Institutional affiliation is required for receiving support. Pre-proposals will be evaluated on their academic merit and policy significance.

SANDEE will collect proposals throughout the next 12 months. However, in order to be considered for our next research competition, please send concept notes by June 30th 2009. Grant requests can range from 15 to 30,000 USD for one to two year grants, but larger proposals need to include teams of natural and social scientists. Concept notes can be uploaded on the SANDEE website at Please contact at application[at] if you have additional queries.

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