Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fwd: Open science awareness and practices among South Asian early career researchers

Dear all, 

UNESCO Chair in (Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education) and DST- Centre for Policy Research at Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, in partnership with Open Science South Asia Network (OSSAN) are excited to invite you to participate in a brief survey on Open Science awareness and practices among early career researchers and research students in South Asia. Your insights are invaluable to us, and your input will contribute to our understanding of this important area. The survey will take just 2-5 minutes to complete. 

As a token of our appreciation for your participation, we are offering a chance to win Amazon gift vouchers. Your responses will remain anonymous, and your contact information will be used solely for the purpose of the voucher giveaway. We kindly request that you also share this survey with your peers and colleagues within your research group or network. The more responses we gather, the richer our insights will be. 

Please click the following link to access the survey: 

Thank you in advance for your time and contribution to this research initiative. Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Warm regards,

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