Wednesday, September 6, 2023

New Issue Online | Journal of Scientometric Research, 2023, 12(2)

Journal of Scientometric Research
Vol 12, Issue 2, 2023
The Hirsch Function and its Properties | Leo Egghe
Quantitative Estimation of Trends in Artificial Intelligence Research: A Study of Bradford Distributions using Leimkuhler Model | Solanki Gupta, Vivek Kumar Singh
Discovering Search Space Using M-distance Clustering of Semantic Relatedness Based Weighted Network for the Content-based Recommender System | Mayur Makawana, Rupa G. Mehta
Previous Year's Cite Score Strongly Predicts the Next Year's Score: Ten Years of Evidence for the Top 400 Scopus-indexedJournals of 2021 | Atul Kumar, Jaiprakash M Paliwal, Vinaydeep Brar
Strengthen of a Scientific Field in Latin America:Evolutionary Computation | María Elena Luna-Morales, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Angón, Evelia Luna-Morales
Independent Researchers: A Bibliometric Analysis | Brady Lund, Amrollah Shamsi, Arezoo Ghamgosar, Narayanaswamy Vasantha Raju, Hossein Dehdarirad, Mohammad Javad Mansourzadeh
Universities Patent Quality Indicators (UPQI): A Bibliometricand Systematic Review | Ueliton da Costa Leonidio, Douglas de Oliveira Cardoso, Cristina Gomes de Souza
How do Organizations and Employees Perceive and Respondto a Crisis: A Co-citation and Co-word Analysis | Thinh-Van Vu
A Bibliometric Assessment of the Finance-growth Literature:Current Status, Development and Future Direction | Isaac Appiah-Otoo
Mapping of Heavy Metal Pollution in River System: AScientometric Approach | Ranju Sharma, Lata Kumari
Energy Recovery from Biogas in Domestic Wastewater WaterTreatment Plant in the Last 5 Decades: A Bibliometric Analysis | Paula Marques Borges Vinhas Porto, Sabrina de Oliveira Anício, Rodrigo Nogueira Vasconcelos, Tadeu Fabricio Malheiros, Washington de Jesus Sant'Anna da Franca Rocha
Ocean Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study of Indianand Global Collaborative Research for Sustainability and Policy Implications | Avinash Kshitij, Jaideep Ghosh
Global Trends in Silicon Carbide Biosensor Research: A Bibliometric Study | Jishant Talwar, Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Namrata Dewan Soni
Clustering Scientometrics of Computer Science Journals for Subarea Decomposition | Priti Kumari, Rajeev Kumar
CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing: A Brief Scientometric Insighton Scientific Production and Knowledge Structure | Muhammad Farid Azlan Halmi, Mohd Amirul Faiz Zulkifli, Kamal Hisham Kamarul Zaman
Identification and Visualization of the Knowledge Landscape Of Menstrual Health Research in India: 1996-2020 | Anjali Yadav, Arpana Pandey, Chanchal
Topical Analysis of Scientific Publications on Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Using Bibliometric and Text Mining Techniques | Jalal Mardaneh, Reza Ahmadi, Meisam Dastani
Bibliometric Analysis of Literature on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Treatments Published Between 2000 and 2019 | Zong-Yu Wang, Zhi-Chao Zhou, Jie Zheng, Zhu-Kai Cong, Xi Zhu
Implementing Quantitative Declarations of Authorship Contribution: A Call to Action | Mohammad Tariqur Rahman, Justus V Verhagen
Machine Learning-based Predictive Systems in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis | Fati Tahiru, Steven Parbanath, Samuel Agbesi
Indicators for the Evaluation of Science, Technology and Innovation Activities: A Systematized Review | Roelvis Ortiz-Núñez, Stephany Novo-Castro, Ricardo Casate-Fernández
Exploring Lexical Richness in English-Language theses Across Disciplines: A Comparative Analysis | Ahmet Anıl Müngen
Comparison of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Wikipedia Articles' References: In Search of Evidence for Wikipedia Credibility | Hashem Atapour, Sonia Khalilzadeh, Rasoul Zavaraqi
An Exploratory Study of Scholarly Platforms and Features to Help Emerging Scholars Gain Visibility in the Scholars' Community | Mitali Desai, Rupa Mehta, Dipti Rana
Assessment of ResearchGate to Unfurl the Academic Pursuits of Physics Scholars | Mohammad Haris, P.M. Naushad Ali, Priya Vaidya
Research Note
Indian Science Reports: A Portal for Comprehensive Mapping of S&T Data and Analytics for India at an Overall and Institutional Level | Vivek Kumar Singh, Anurag Kanaujia, Prashasti Singh
Perspective Papers
Role of the Editor in Limiting Plagiarism or Similarity in Scholarly Journal Manuscripts | K. C. Garg, Ritu Nagpal
Use of Bibliometrics-Related Terms, their Evolution, and the Growth of Metrics in Science | Yves Fassin, Ronald Rousseau
Book Review
South Asian Science Diplomacy in a Nutshell | Anup Kumar Das

Journal of Scientometric Research (JSCIRES)
Launch of New Issue - Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies:

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