Thursday, June 29, 2023

Press Briefing: UNESCO Report: “Unveiling the Landscape of Neurotechnology”


Press Briefing: UNESCO Report: "Unveiling the Landscape of Neurotechnology"


Paris, 29 June 2023 – Journalists are invited to an online briefing with UNESCO experts Gabriela Ramos and Mariagrazia Squicciarini on the objectives of the Organization's major international conference on the ethics of Neurotechnology, to be held on Thursday 13 July in Paris. The experts will present the UNESCO's forthcoming report on the growth of the Neurotechnology industry under embargo until the conference.


When: Tuesday 4 July at 15.15 CET

Where: Online Only: please register here

Languages: in English with French translation


In early June, UNESCO launched an unprecedented global dialogue to develop an ethical framework for the growing and largely unregulated neurotechnology sector.


UNESCO's advisory body, the International Bioethics Committee (IBC), has warned that neurotechnology could breach human rights central to notions of human identity, such as the rights to freedom of thought, privacy and memory.


A first international conference will be held at UNESCO Headquarters on 13 July 2023, with senior officials, policymakers, civil society organizations, academics and representatives of the private sector from all regions of the world.


On this occasion, UNESCO will publish a report offering a unique data snapshot of the neurotechnology landscape – covering innovations, key actors worldwide and major trends. On Tuesday 4 July, this study will be presented to the press by two UNESCO experts.


UNESCO has a strong track-record coordinating multilateral responses to other critical emerging technologies, including the ethics of AI, and the human genome, among others.

Read more

More on UNESCO's work on neurotechnology

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