Thursday, February 3, 2022

Chris Freeman’s Centenary Essay Competition 2022

Chris Freeman's Centenary Essay Competition 2022
  • Description: The essay competition seeks to incentivise the diffusion of Chris Freeman's ideas among PhD students as well as early-career researchers in the Global North and South. This competition calls for contributions in the following seven themes: (1) Development, (2) Growth, (3) Systems of innovation, (4) Long Waves (5) Science Policy, (6) Science, Society and Nature and (7) Innovation management. A list of readings is found on the webpage A Freeman Reader with those same themes is being prepared for publication.
  • Entry Requirements: Entry is open to PhD students and early career researchers (within three years of completing a PhD). Each essay should address only one of the themes outlined above and must not exceed 1,500 words (excluding tables, footnotes, and bibliography). Please, submit your essay, saved in PDF format, indicating the theme you are addressing and the final word count through the submission system available at: Also note that the essays will be subject to a double-blind review process. Hence, no information about the author should be included in the essay. A failure to comply with this requirement will lead to disqualifying the submission.
  • Prizes: A prize may be given for the best essay under each one of the seven themes, including a prize for the best essay overall. The candidate who submits the best essay overall will be awarded €400. The winner of each of the other six categories will be awarded €100. The winning essay (and the runners up) will be published in a blog on the Chris Freeman website and widely announced on social media.
  • Criteria: The essays will be judged on: (a) the level of knowledge and understanding of Chris Freeman's ideas on the theme chosen, (b) the ability to apply Freeman's ideas to contemporary societal challenges, (c) the originality of the content, (d) the quality of the argumentation, (e) the structure and (f) the writing style.
  • Key Dates
    • Submission deadline: 31 March 2022
    • Announcement of results and award ceremony: TBA
  • Questions may be sent to the following email address: Further Details:

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